I am one of the Cognito Forms co-founders. You can add the following bit of JavaScript to automatically add character counts below all of your textareas on the page:
$(‘textarea’).keyup(function() {
var chars = $(this).val().length;
var message = $(this).next(“span”);
if (message.length == 0)
message = $(this).after(“<span></span>”);
message.text(“You have typed ” + chars + ” characters”);
Not sure if this works for the specific form you are building, but this works using keyup events, so it functions in real time. Here is the fiddle for this example:
In Nicholas’s example, you could also make the calculation hidden and reference this calculated field in a Content block immediately below the field. However, this does not address the immediacy question, which is why I am following up with a JQuery-based bit of script.
Just remember to place this code inside a script block and make sure JQuery is available. Please let me know if this works or if you need help adapting it to your specific needs.