• Is there a way to display Categories (meaning like the posts within the category) on a specific page?

    I got a plugin for Inline Posts which lets me put Posts on Pages, but that takes too long and is frustrating.

    The reason being that I want to display Categories on Pages is because I’m using WP as a CMS in a way. So users click on a specific Page, i have some filler text on it, then below that I wanted to list the contents of a specific category.

    I dont know about coding or anything, so if anyone can help I’d greatly appreciate it!

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  • You might want to read about Category_Templates.

    Don’t struggle to shoe-horn posts onto Pages, just use what’s built-in!

    Thread Starter neilkarunatilaka


    Yes I know about that. But I still need to find a way to display Categories/Posts on Pages. ??

    Well I figured out Posts, but Categories is what I really need!! :((

    If you’re running the Default theme, look over on your sidebar. See that list of categories?

    Click one.

    What’s the result? A listing of posts in that category. in other words, a page (not Page ’cause Pages are different) with posts for that category.

    Now, help me understand how that differs from what you’re asking for?

    Thread Starter neilkarunatilaka


    It’s definitely possible to do what you are asking (include all posts in a category in a page).

    Actually, the ability to display all category posts is built in to WordPress so a separate plugin to display all category posts as a page should be very easy to write.

    I read that on another site.
    Is there anyway todo this?

    Thread Starter neilkarunatilaka



    Don’t bump!
    Read the resources you were offered. Don’t try to be smarter.

    Actually, the ability to display all category posts is built in to WordPress so a separate plugin to display all category posts as a page should be very easy to write.

    That’s a complete crap.
    No need for Pages -as you were told above. Category_Templates do exactly what you are asking for, so no need to duplicate the same function.
    Just our of curiousity: WHY do you need a category to be displayed on a Page?

    Funny you should be discussing this. For myself, I’m looking for a similar solution. The purpose is to be able to restrict the front page to a specific category of posts, rather than all of them.

    In my head, at least, this would suggest the need to create a page for a specific category and then change the Front Page option under Options to that page. Is there some other way to restrict output by category that might work better?

    Thanks for the info.

    DragonFlyEye – to me, that would suggest using a plugin to exclude categorys. Check out:
    Ultimate Category Excluder plugin.


    To show 1 category on your page, you have to add a simple line after the:

    <?php get_header(); ?> <div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">

    the line is:

    <?php if (is_home()) {query_posts("cat=X");}?>

    The “X” is the ID of your category, so the whole thing would look like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    	<div id="content" class="narrowcolumn">
       if (is_home()) {

    [ … here comes the rest of your page code … ]

    This says to the page to only show the category “ID 5” from the posts listed in that page.

    Hope this can help!,



    I think what the OP is trying to do is make Pages display categories so they can set up Pages (and have them show up in the navigation menu without having to manually hack it to work). Why? Despite the fact you can create custom category templates – you still can’t make them show in your navigation menu unless you force it to do so.

    I don’t see why this is so hard for people to understand. I’ve been fighting with this particular problem for years.

    There is actually a workaround to all this. I’ve been searching for a way to do show only posts from a category, since I have a Romanian language blog, but am occasionally posting also in English and I thought it would be nice for foreign visitors to switch directly to the English posts instead of digging through dozens of posts in a language they don’t understand. So what I did was to create a static page called “english posts” and wrote a small text on it and providing it with the link to the category archive. I know, this is a two-step approach but it’s better than nothing. Here is how it looks like: https://cynicalali.ro/blog/english/
    I hope it helps people with no knowledge of coding.

    I accidentally stumbled across a plugin that makes the above workaround totally obsolete: it’s called postlists

    • https://www.rene-ade.de/inhalte/wordpress-plugin-postlists.html
    • and deals EXACTLY with what the author of the original posting wanted 8 months ago. The plugin is written by Rene Ade, a German blogger (programmer). Thanks a lot for it, Rene. With it you can customize any list on any of your pages (and/or widgets!!!!) to show whatever category you want. And, so it seems, not just categories but a lot of other variables to. I’m not done with experimenting but from what I can tell it’s just what a blogger’s heart would wish!

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