• Hello there! I’ve created a custom snippet to display the calendar colors based on the number of reservation made by people. I’ve checked and the code works perfectly if I force the publication through the plug in settings. Basically, it creates the record and makes the count of all the total reservation, however, unless I press “publish” it would not show the actual color in front end. Could you please have a look and advise? Here’s the code I am using:

    include '/wp-content/plugins/availability-calendar/admin/includes/owac-functions.php';
    $servername = '***';
    $username = '***';
    $password = '***';
    try {
      $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=***", $username, $password);
      // set the PDO error mode to exception
      $conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
      echo "Connected successfully <br>";
    } catch(PDOException $e) {
      echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();
    $months = array('01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12');
    $date = date('Y-m');
    $days = date('t');
    $counter_pallini_in_calendario = 0;
    $reservation = (int) $results['reservation'];
    for($i = 4; $i <= $days; $i++){
      if($i < 10 ){
        $g = '0'.$i;
      } else {
        $g = $i;
      $giorni = $date.'-' . $g;
      $date_day = new DateTime($giorni);
      //echo $date_day->getTimestamp();
      $reservation_seats_per_day = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS reservation FROM gSo9L5Vt_postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'wbtm_journey_date' AND meta_value  = '".$giorni."'");
      $results_query = $reservation_seats_per_day->fetch();
      $reservation_this = (int) $results_query['reservation'];
      echo "<br> Numero posti prenotati per il giorno : ".$giorni. " è : ".$reservation_this;
      $total_seats = 252;
      $seat_availability_percentage = ($reservation_this / $total_seats) * 100;
      echo "<br>".$seat_availability_percentage . "%" . "<br>";
      //query tabella calendario : recupero from_date dalla tabella; se presente QUERY UPDATE AGGIORNANDO cat_id = 2 SE seat_availability_percentage >  40% ; ALTRIMENTI INSERT cat_id = 1;
      $check = $conn->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS c FROM gSo9L5Vt_OWAC_event WHERE from_date = '" .$date_day->getTimestamp()."' ");
      $q = $check->fetch();
      $counter_pallini_in_calendario = (int) $q['c'];
      if($counter_pallini_in_calendario == 0) {
        //INSERT IN DB
        $insert_pallini = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO gSo9L5Vt_OWAC_event (from_date, to_date, cat_id, created_date, status, flag) VALUES (:timesta, :timesta, 1, :timesta, 1, 0) ");
        $insert_pallini->bindValue(':timesta',  $date_day->getTimestamp(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
      } else {
        if($seat_availability_percentage >= 25 && $seat_availability_percentage <50){
          $color = 3;
        } else if ($seat_availability_percentage >= 50 && $seat_availability_percentage <80){
          $color = 4;
        } else if ($seat_availability_percentage >= 80 && $seat_availability_percentage <99){
          $color = 5;
        } else  if ($seat_availability_percentage >= 99){
          $color = 2;
        $update_pallini = $conn->query("UPDATE gSo9L5Vt_OWAC_event SET cat_id = '".$color."' WHERE from_date = '".$date_day->getTimestamp()."' ");

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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