So as I’ve written before I want to create and make available for the user products that will have more then 45 variation. Attributes are SIZES and FRAMES.
I will use the example for showing my case:
Sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Frames a,b,c
For Variations are like this:
–1a, 1b, 1c,
–2a, 2c,
–4a, 4c
There are 2 choices to create this:
A) Generate all possible combinations an delete the combinations won’t need. In this example we will delete this variations:
–3a, 3c
In my website when I do that and post the product, on the user side, on product page, you will be able to chose in SIZE attribute dropdown 3 as a value, in the FRAME attribute you also will find a, b, c as available frames (despide the fact for 3, just b should be available).
When I will select 3 as a size an a (or c) as frame, I will receive the message error: “Sorry, no products matched your selection. Please choose a different combination.”.
How I will be aible to to define those variations in such a way that the user it will see for the second selection of an value of an attribut, just the values available just for that paricular value previously selected?
B)Add variation one by one just for those that I have it as a product. In this way I don’t have the previous problem for the first 20 products. Starting with the 21st product, the previous problems from A, is back. So you will see a and c as an option, after you’ve selected already 3 as a size. And after I will chose a variations that don’t exist, I’ll receive the same error.
What I should do that all my variation work in the same manner as my firt 20? (there are 20 working variations as they should be, after you give the code from the upper part.)
Can you explain me what happening for each case (A and B)? Where the problem for each one of them? What I should do to fix it?
Thank you Mike!