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  • you don’t need a plugin…

    go to Options -> Discussion
    uncheck “Allow people to post comments on the article “

    If you really want to get rid of them go through your template and remove refernces to the commenting…

    should look something like
    <?php comments_template(); ?>
    and this
    <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?>

    Then if you’re really positive you’re done with them remove your comments.php file from your theme directory.

    I’ve done that, and I’ve checked the box to require people to register to be able to post, yet I’m getting 25 to 40 spam comments per day.

    This is on


    Well, that happens when you ask the wrong question.
    You should have asked: what to do against spam?

    (I have no registration requirement because it is annoying, comments are open for everybody, and practically zero spam!)

    Use any two of these plugins:

    moshu here’s a question… might deserve another thread but it’s semi related. or maybe I should do a search for it…

    I had a horrible time with Bad Behavior… it was seriouslly slowing down the page creation time. tried it on 2 different blogs on 2 different servers same result.

    When the plugin was active the page slowed to a crawl, when disabled it was just fine. Right now I’m just using akismet and it does the trick.

    I would like to disable comment

    Consider using the stylesheet, for instance:

    .post_comments {display:none; …

    I also comment out other features for customers, for instance:

    .post_date {display:none; …
    .post_month {display:none; …
    .post_date{display:none; …
    .post_user {display:none; …

    I’ve learned from jetshack’s remarks and thank you for pointers to:

    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments ?’, ‘1 Comment ?’, ‘% Comments ?’); ?>


    what you have provided does not disable comments, it just hides stuff.

    The most arguable reason for disabling comments the proper way, and not doing what you have suggested, is due to the fact that spam bots will still send comments. They dont need to see the code to use it.

    Yesterday I followed the jetshack pointer and now I have also learned from the remark “spam bots will still send comments” if things are simply hidden. Thank you, whooami.

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