there is no setting to disable caching.
I’ve decided to enforced this because even if you have multiple keys or you’re on a payment plan, it still takes precious time to call the Youtube webservice. Waayy more time than handling local cache files.
So it’s a way to a) minimize your costs by minizing the number of requests and b) to boost your website’s loading time – which users and Google are very fond of.
If you still do want to disable the caching you would have to edit one the PHP files:
Go to …wp-content/plugins/related-youtube-videos/lib/RelatedYoutubeVideos/API.php and look for the line
@file_put_contents( $cacheFile, json_encode( $result ) );
It’s round about line 221. And either delete it or turn this into a comment like
// @file_put_contents( $cacheFile, json_encode( $result ) );