• Resolved Questions



    I’d like to delete WP Optimize without any website issues, please. When I try to deactivate it via the WordPress ‘installed plugin’ area, it takes me to a page that shouts:

    “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

    Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.

    I can click the back button and all is well, but how do I deactivate WP Optimize and then delete it without doing something wrong, please?

    I should mention that I am as technical as a flea. (Actually, a flea might be more technical than me, so can you tell me this in the most basic way, please?!)

    Thank you in advance!


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  • Plugin Support pbevanudp


    Hello Jane,

    Thank you for your question. You can remove the plugin manually by accessing your web host’s File Manager or connecting through S/FTP.

    Navigate to the wp-content/plugins folder and locate the wp-optimize plugin folder, then delete it.

    Ideally, you should also delete WP-Optimize related data from the wp_options table in your database.

    To do this, you can use a tool like phpMyAdmin. Select the appropriate database and execute the following SQL query:

    SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name LIKE ‘%optimize%’;

    After running the query, you can delete the corresponding rows.

    If you’re not comfortable with this process, your hosting provider might be able to assist you.



    Bad advise.

    • The given SQL query is invalid due to wrong quote chars.
    • Deleting the corresponding rows will affect all sort of other plugins e.g. Autoptimize and delete their settings.
    • Other files and folders outside plugin folder remain in the installation.

    Makes sense @ov3rfly. Do you or anyone else know what other files/folders are updated outside the plugin folder?

    Many thanks

    Plugin Support vupdraft



    In your Uploads direcotry, there will be a wpo folder and a wpo-plugins-tables-list.json file. Everything else should be in the WPO plugin folder.

    great thanks @vupdraft ??

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