Thanks. Would the search engine visitor see error pages with this method ?
No, they’ll see just the regular non-AMP page. For example, here’s a blog post that doesn’t have an AMP version:
If I add ?amp=1
to the end:
Then I see the same page. The amp
query parameter is not recognized so it is just ignored. This is the benefit over using /amp/
as the paired URL structure: no 404 happens when AMP is deactivated.
I have another query – i am ok with the amp pages now – but as a non technical person maintaining a website without a developer is it easy to maintain amp pages without errors in the future. My amp is working alright as of now, but this question keeps me in a loop as to keep it or not.
It’s hard to say without knowing anything about your site, but Reader mode is the safest choice if you you’re a non-technical person. If you have issues in the future, you can always open a support topic.