So, just so that I’m following along right.
I went to localhost/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=achievement-type and created a “Test Achievements” achievement type. When I hover over that in the resulting list, I see stuff like “edit” “quick edit” and “trash”. Using those would edit the achievement type I set up. They are all registered custom post types.
If I go to localhost/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=test-achievement, I’m now able to create specific achievements within my “Test Achievements”. When I create one, and hit publish, I can now hover over it in the list and see stuff like “edit”, “quick edit”, “trash”, and “view”. They are all posts within the custom post type.
If I click in to edit that post in the post type, we’ll call it “Our winning!”, I can have it winnable by completing steps. This part is set by the “earned by” dropdown in the Achievement Data section. Scroll down a bit further, and we have the “Required Steps” meta box that has a pre-populated dropdown of steps to use to achieve the badge. These, I do not believe, are deleteable, at least not without futzing around with the plugin.
Are you seeing some custom ones in the last part mentioned? Or did I pass something already that you’re calling steps?