For example, when I set the website to use Traditional Chinese as the main language. Then I install Translatepress and do the same.
When first running Translatepress, it will read the MO files from the WordPress and store in the database table trp_gettext_zh_hk
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It read every translation mo so you could see the domain column registered by Translatepress. If a word, eg “something” in the Woocommerce is translated and being read into the table. Then later when Woocommerce updated the translation file with newer different words. It still hold the old values.
So, if one would like to replace the wordings, either using phpmyadmin or database tools to edit the DB directly. Because Translatepress did not provide a way to see all the translation string.
So the question is how to import to mo files again? or ask the Translatepress to import the mo file again and/or how to delete the strings imported before?