Home / Networking WordPress / How to Delete ‘Archives ‘
7 years, 9 months ago
For google search show categorynameArchives
For example category name is name wordpress
google search will show wordpressArchives
how can delete or change this display format
Hi @petercheunghk, Unfortunately, I don’t really understand what you’re trying to do.
Are you trying to adjust what is shown in SERP (search enging result pages), for instance on Google?
Are you trying to limit what information you allow Google to find and index?
Do you want to not show archive pages at all on your site (not to anyone)?
something else???
Share the screenshot.
In google show “tagname”Archives and “categoryName”Archives
Only add disallow /tag and /category robots.txt for fix this?
Have other solution?
Do you want to tell search engines to not index tags and categories? If yes, this should be done with meta noindex tag, not with robots.txt. You can do this with any major SEO plugin for wordpress.
Use Yoast plugin. It’s good one.