Hello there @maxwww ,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
This can happen if you have forms on your site that are not protected with CAPTCHA and were attacked by a spam bot.
Please ensure that all of the forms on your sites are protected with CAPTCHA, including contact forms, comment sections, registration forms, etc on your blog.
Another option is that you could instead just prevent random registrations.
For the WordPress registration, there’s a “Membership – Anyone can register” setting under Settings > General
For WooCommerce, there’s an ‘Account creation – Allow customers to create an account on the “My account” page’ setting under WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy
You could disable those options, and then only allow customers to create an account during Checkout instead. Then spambots wouldn’t be able to register via the registration pages, and only customers could create accounts when they are making a purchase.
I hope this helps.