Good advice thanks!
I changed the following in wp-includes/wp-db.php:
function check_database_version()
global $wp_version;
// Make sure the server has MySQL 4.1.2
if ( version_compare($this->db_version(), ‘4.1.2’, ‘<‘) )
return new WP_Error(‘database_version’,sprintf(__(‘ERROR: WordPress %s requires MySQL 4.1.2 or higher’), $wp_version));
to this:
function check_database_version()
global $wp_version;
// Make sure the server has MySQL 4.1.2
if ( version_compare($this->db_version(), ‘2.1.2’, ‘<‘) )
return new WP_Error(‘database_version’,sprintf(__(‘ERROR: WordPress %s requires MySQL 4.1.2 or higher’), $wp_version));
You have the delete the following code in wp-admin/install.php:
// Let's check to make sure WP isn't already installed.
if ( is_blog_installed() ) {display_header(); die('<h1>'.__('Already Installed').'</h1><p>'.__('You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.').'</p></body></html>');}
$php_version = phpversion();
$mysql_version = $wpdb->db_version();
$php_compat = version_compare( $php_version, $required_php_version, '>=' );
$mysql_compat = version_compare( $mysql_version, $required_mysql_version, '>=' ) || file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/db.php' );
if ( !$mysql_compat && !$php_compat )
$compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher and MySQL version %3$s or higher. You are running PHP version %4$s and MySQL version %5$s.'), $wp_version, $required_php_version, $required_mysql_version, $php_version, $mysql_version );
elseif ( !$php_compat )
$compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires PHP version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.'), $wp_version, $required_php_version, $php_version );
elseif ( !$mysql_compat )
$compat = sprintf( __('You cannot install because WordPress %1$s requires MySQL version %2$s or higher. You are running version %3$s.'), $wp_version, $required_mysql_version, $mysql_version );
if ( !$mysql_compat || !$php_compat ) {
die('<h1>' . __('Insufficient Requirements') . '</h1><p>' . $compat . '</p></body></html>');