• anonymized-14293447


    On my directory listing, instead of waiting for users to register I’m thinking of creating dummy users (each one assigned to their listing) so that once the real user claims a listing I will just need to give him a password and he would have his profile already set.
    So I was wondering if it’s possible to create thousands of users in one go, for instance with the ID as their name.

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  • When you only have FTP access to a file and no WordPress credentials, this script can be used to easily create a new user.

    Add this file in /wp-content/mu-plugins/user.php or just add this function with the hook on fubction.php filr
    and just reload the site, a new user will be created with username and password used in the script below.

    Once added user just remove this script!

    add_action( 'init', 'add_new_user' );
    function add_new_user() {
        $website = "https://example.com";
        $userdata = array(
            'user_login'  =>  'user_name',
            'user_url'    =>  $website,
            'user_pass'   =>  'user_password',
            'role'        =>  'administrator'
        $user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata ) ;
    Thread Starter anonymized-14293447


    That’s an interesting tip, thank you.
    However it’s only for one user. I need to create almost 7.000. Something like this plugin, I’m just afraid of using it because it’s not so popular. I also need to assign each user to their listing.

    Thread Starter anonymized-14293447


    I think the best way is to create them by myself in a .csv file and then import it into WP. I didn’t think of that simple option ??

    There is a plugin or two that can do that. create the .csv file that has username, password, login username, display name, etc… (don’t have to do all those)…I am sure basic three things to include: username, password and e-mail.

    Import .CSV through the plugin. I used to add 5,000 users.

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