Thanks for reaching out.
This isn’t something Wordfence does exactly. There is a good article by the awesome folks at that talks about how to set up a private blog that you can look at.
Everything in Wordfence should work but don’t create a custom login page with the plugin they talk about in the article. Just leave the default /wp-admin. Changing the login URL really doesn’t make the site more secure anyway. If you haven’t changed the /wp-admin URL then 2FA should work without any issue. You can read more about 2FA and how to set it up here:
Also, don’t use a caching plugin because caching serves your pages from the disk, not PHP, so they could be visible on the web.
Of course, the best way to keep a site private is not to have it on the internet at all but I think that probably defeats the purpose. ??
Hopefully this helps.
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by