Hello @icetechy,
I assume you figured this out but just in case, I wanted to give a quick 101 on how podcasting works with WordPress and PowerPress.
First, podcasting is nothing more than an extension to blogging. Once you know this, the genie is out of the bottle and things make a lot more sense. This is why WordPress with PowerPress is so powerful. Essentially, for every episode you want to create, create a new post. The title and the description of your blog post is also your title and description of your podcast episode. Only difference to the blog post and a podcast episode is the attachment of the media file, thus you have a podcast episode. As far as a blog reader is concerned, this is a blog post with an audio file, where-as a podcast service will then pull the extra Apple tags to show evne more meta information associated with the episode.
With that knowledge, if you want to create separate podcasts that are listed on Apple podcasts (and other podcast directories) but you want all of the shows (series of episodes) to come from the same WordPress website, an optimal solution would be Category podcasting. If you enable this, please enable the strict category podcasting option as well, this will guarantee no overlap as that can negativity impact your podcasts if the same episode appeared in 2 different podcasts on Apple podcasts.
You can then create “category” pages on your website per speaker, with your main blog roll page being a mashup of all of your podcast episodes across all of your speakers.
I hope this clears things up for you,