Hi again,
I think the most common issue with this plugin is the lack of an easy way to customize a template that displays only the data entered by users in a customizable profile page/post (i.e., show the data, not the form, with a link to the form for editing/updating only). It would be ideal to be able to select the items that appear in the profile cards in the membership directory, and to be able to click through those profile cards to any user’s profile page, populated by the field data entered at registration and updated through an edit profile link from the profile page/post.
The closest I’ve come to this ideal state is to add the user meta fields to the meta box on the profile form creation page, and to have fields appear in the profile cards (though they look weird with all centered text). I’d like to be able to show the information there with or without labels, too.
Here are links to what I’m describing: link1
and link2
and link3
The second and third examples are closest to what I’d like to see, but it doesn’t pull all the fields I’d like.
Basically, what I’m saying is that if the developer were to provide a few different templates within the free package, the frequency of support requests would decline dramatically. Plus, we non-developer users would be much more likely to promote the plugin to others. I’d laud it from the rooftops if it were easier to set up a profile output.
It would also be helpful to have a few template options for the user directory (Under styling > general > templates, there is only default), for the same reasons.
Finally, the more often you include step-by-step tutorials with images, the more useful the documentation will become. Developers don’t always understand that conventions you take for granted are new to their clients. For example, when directing a newbie to add <?php /* Template: My Custom Profile */ ?> to a template file, show an image so the user gets it. And why delete the code that another user has figured out? I swear the post above me had some useful code in it last night, and has now been stripped of the key elements that helped me get as far as I have.
Just my two cents, as I try to get the UltimateMember plugin to work for this project. Haven’t been convinced it will work well enough yet. I’d appreciate any guidance you can offer to finish this project with a sharp member directory that links to easily configured profile pages for each user.