• Resolved techiejd


    I created an interactive custom elementor plugin for a client. I wrote the plugin using React, so coding is not an issue.

    Then the client asked me to have the inputs in this plugin and some more (simple ones like email and names) submitted.

    I have used MetForm and am a big fan. I thought I should be able to simply put the input fields within the Metform and it would be all submitted together.

    My, I was wrong! The inputs do not appear in the entry submission nor in the email. Doesn’t help that I add a label or not.

    Now, the crazy part is that my resource-finding skills have not been able to find documentation or a tutorial on how to make a custom input field for Metform. I was not able to figure it out with either Google or ChatGPT.

    Please help! Do you know how to add an actually-custom custom field to Metform? I am not looking to add anything out of the box.

    Please tell me or point me in the right direction. Thank you.

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  • Plugin Support Ahmed Amir Hossain


    Hi techiejd,

    Thank you for contacting us. We regret to inform you that the option to create custom fields is currently not available in MetForm. However, we encourage you to submit this as a feature request. To do so, please visit the plugin page and go to the USEFUL LINK section, where you’ll find a “Request a Feature” button. Our production team will review your request and consider it for future updates.


    Thread Starter techiejd


    Thank you, Amir, for confirming my suspicions! I will try to submit a feature request and I will look into hacks. Let me get back to you within a week to let you know how it went.

    Thread Starter techiejd


    I tried doing a hack where I would modify the hidden inputs. Also not possible. See forum question 1 and 2.

    Thread Starter techiejd


    So, I asked for a feature request.

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