• Resolved Eric Malalel


    I would like to know the right way to programmatically create, update and delete a WP user from a Java Web application.

    Of course I can go deep into the WP database table structure and write SQL queries (I have root access to the dedicated server where WP is installed).

    But this is probably not the right way to do it, especially when I will upgrade WP and database tables structure may change and my queries may fail.

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  • Hay,

    I’d use either the XMLRPC or the JSON api.


    your only problem is last time I checked neither actually let you add users, i’ve got round that my adding my own api functions its not to difficult.

    This is some code I wrote a while back (Years) that i used to backend to a flash app, that allowed ppl to register / login /logout and store sessions in the app.


    used a secret key to secure my create user function after that it was all based on wp user auth, its not the most secure, but in that case it wasn’t an issue.. last tested on wp 3.4 hope it points you in the right direction.

    Thread Starter Eric Malalel


    Thanks for your feedback. The XML-RPC API lacks many of the features of the WP API, and as you mention it is not possible to insert users.
    As I may need other features which also are not in the XML-RPC API, I would like to try another approach.
    The Java web application runs on the server and can use the Apache HTTP components (https://hc.apache.org/).
    With these components, the Java web app can launch URL of PHP pages, which in turn can use all the features of the WP API, such as inserting users.
    The PHP page would send back a page with only a status code (0 for KO, any other value for any error), so the Java web application would know what happens with the PHP page.
    To secure this, the PHP pages would check first they are called from domain “localhost”.
    What do you think of this approach?


    I’ve never used the Apache HTTP components but if I’m getting the gist of what your saying your’ basically suggesting making a custom http api, some how, but your still going to be requesting to a wordpress site, so your still going to have to load wp, and create a plugin to intercept and respond to special url which is totally do able.. This is essentially manually doing what the json and xmlrpc apis do,

    both are just structure http request at the end of the day, just one uses json formatted payloads and the other xml payloads sent over a http post/request. Both are specifically designed for what you want async communication with a wp site.

    As for their limited wp api access, that’s not strictly true, by default the built in api methods only expose certain functionality within wordpress but you can add as many custom methods as you like which expose as little or as much of the WP api as your application requires, your custom methods have as much access to the WP code base as any function in another plugin might.

    The example I include did just that, it exposed the standard wp_create_user method so my app could access it. I just had to include require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php'); to load it first.

    You can certainly do it the manual way, which I’ve done before to receive and store basic post notifications from other web apis, but is way more of a hack by hooking in the template load action you can execute code right before the theme loads and do whatever you like, you might have to filter query_vars as wordpress filters them for safety, you’ll basically be doing a lot of prodding to get it to behave.

    As for checking the http referrer i’m not sure if it can be spoofed, but also won’t you java app be running client side so the referrer wont be localhost ?

    Thread Starter Eric Malalel


    I agree with you, it would be a kind of custom http api.

    The point is we are not php expert, and for the moment we do not understand how your code works and how we should extend it to support other API methods.

    We feel more confident to write more basic php codes which will use the standard API, and therefore allow us to use all API features.

    For instance, we would like to write a PHP page which does the job, such as insert, update, delete WP users from a CSV file, using the WP API. This page would be hosted outside of WP, on localhost web site, and it would be called from the Java app using the Apache HTTP components.

    Is this possible? Can we use the standard API from an external PHP application? Or am I totally wrong and I do need the XMLRPJ or JSON api?

    Thread Starter Eric Malalel


    Seems the API only works within the WP site.
    I tried this code:

    // Include WordPress
        define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);

    It only works when I put it inside the WP directory.


    I think you can, but it not anything I’ve ever tried or wanted to do, but by the looks of it you can and a quick google for “load wordpress as a module” got me to this

    and you can and I regularly do run WP in its own directory, which in essence lets you separate your content from the app/system files.

    I think you just needed to init WP. if you look at index.php & wp-blog-header.php to see how WP actually loads.

    its probably not the best way to go about it but you should be able to have

    www/wordpress/{normally installed and configured site}etc…

    where custom.php is something like:

       // Include WordPress
        define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);

    That code was just an example of a custom xmlrpc methods that i’d made to add a user not a full plugin, but it wouldn’t take a massive amount of code to extend it ….

    Plugin Name: Custom XMLRPC funcs
    URI: https://....
    Description: Adds WNAG PROFILE and Session storage to wordpress
    Author: Geraint P
    Version: 0.1-bleeding
    function gcp_cusrpc_init(){
    	require_once './class-wnag-xmlrpc.php';
    	add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', array( WNAG_XMLRPC, 'xmlrpc_methods' ) );
    add_action('init', 'gcp_cusrpc_init', 999);

    thats all it would take to load that class and register those methods,

    You don’t have to use classes there just useful for separating out logic blocks and name-spacing your code.

    Plugin Name: Custom XMLRPC funcs
    URI: https://....
    Description: Adds WNAG PROFILE and Session storage to wordpress
    Author: Geraint P
    Version: 0.2-bleeding-Consolodated
    function gcp_custrpc_init(){
    	add_filter('xmlrpc_methods', 'gcp_custrpc_xmlrpc_methods' ) );
    add_action('init', 'gcp_custrpc_init', 999);
    function gcp_custrpc_xmlrpc_methods( $methods )
    	$methods[ 'java.test'    ] = 'gcp_custrpc_test';
    	$methods[ 'java.AddUser' ] = 'gcp_custrpc_add_user';
    	$methods[ 'java.EditUser'   ] = 'gcp_custrpc_edit_user';
    	$methods[ 'java.DeleteUser' ] = 'gcp_custrpc_delete_user';
    	return $methods;
    function gcp_custrpc_test($args)
    	return 'Hello World!';
    // Adds a subscriber to the site.
    function gcp_custrpc_add_user($args)
    	require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/registration.php');
    	// !!! CHANGE to your check http referrer !!! //
    	$secretkey = $args[0];
    	if( $secretkey != $secret ):
    		return (new IXR_Error(401, __('Access Denied. Invalid Key.')));
    	$username	= $args[1];
    	$password	= $args[2];
    	$user_id = username_exists( $username );
    	if ( !$user_id )
    		$user_id = wp_create_user($username, $password, $username);
    		gcp_custrpc_new_user_notification( $user_id, $password );
    		return $user_id;
    	} else {
    		return(new IXR_Error(401, __('User already exists.  Password inherited.')));
    	return(new IXR_Error(412, __(' Precondition Failed')));
    function gcp_custrpc_edit_user($args)
    	# code...
    function gcp_custrpc_delete_user($args)
    	# code...
    // Utilites
    function gcp_custrpc_new_user_notification( $user_id, $user_pass )
    		$user = new WP_User($user_id);
    		#.....See original example
    function gcp_custrpc_escape(&$array) {
    	#.....See original example
    Thread Starter Eric Malalel


    Thanks for all these valuable informations.
    We should be able to go further now, either through XML RPC or “home made” http api.

    hope you figure it out ??

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