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  • Thread Starter omegacoder


    thanks, perhaps my wording was incorrect, so I apologise for this

    i need a search input field for locations and not a locations filter i.e. it’s a text input where user types in a location name and the system returns any locations that are similar as a list. you know something similar to the events list page where users can type in text to find matching events

    Thread Starter omegacoder


    this is to go into the locations list page by the way i.e.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    i see. You’d need to create your own custom search form for this by overriding the templates/templates/locations-list.php template.

    One suggestion for the search form, you can probably re-use the auto-completer field we use on the locations section when creating a new event. Try doing e.g. [event_form] and you’ll see the html you need to ouptut there.

    Thread Starter omegacoder


    I’ve checked out the html, it outputs part of the following:

    <input id=”location-name” class=”ui-autocomplete-input” type=”text” value=”Shanghai” name=”location_name” autocomplete=”off” role=”textbox” aria-autocomplete=”list” aria-haspopup=”true” style=”background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>

    I’m not asking for a step-guide solution of course, but can you be more specific in what needs to be done to achieve what I need? you know, some pointers with maybe some pesudo code or examples? Thanks thanks

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    sorry, you’d need to figure that out yourself.

    you’ll see how we we handle it in em-actions.php lin 186 and the autocomplete is added in includes/js/events-manager.js line 533

    we use this, which is already included by WP –

    There’s better ways to handle the ajax call on WP though –

    Thread Starter omegacoder


    ok, here is the solution I used. Users can search for locations name, address and town:

    in classes/em-locations.php, I added two functions:

    function search_locations($q){
    			global $wpdb;
    			$q = rawurldecode($q);
    			$results = array();
    				$location_cond = (is_user_logged_in() && !current_user_can('read_others_locations')) ? "AND location_owner=".get_current_user_id() : '';
    				if( !is_user_logged_in() && get_option('dbem_events_anonymous_submissions') ){
    					if( !user_can(get_option('dbem_events_anonymous_user'),'read_private_locations') ){
    						$location_cond = " AND location_private=0";
    				}elseif( is_user_logged_in() && !current_user_can('read_private_locations') ){
    				    $location_cond = " AND location_private=0";
    				}elseif( !is_user_logged_in() ){
    					$location_cond = " AND location_private=0";
    				$term = (isset($_REQUEST['term'])) ? '%'.$_REQUEST['term'].'%' : '%'.$q.'%';
    				$sql = $wpdb->prepare("
    						location_id AS <code>id</code>,
    						Concat( location_name )  AS <code>label</code>,
    						location_name AS <code>value</code>,
    						location_address AS <code>address</code>,
    						location_town AS <code>town</code>,
    						location_state AS <code>state</code>,
    						location_region AS <code>region</code>,
    						location_postcode AS <code>postcode</code>,
    						location_country AS <code>country</code>,
    						location_slug AS <code>slug</code>
    					WHERE ( <code>location_name</code> LIKE %s || <code>location_address</code> LIKE %s || <code>location_town</code> LIKE %s) AND location_status=1 $location_cond LIMIT 30
    				", $term, $term, $term);
    				$results_obj = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    				// convert results from object to array type
    				$results_arr = self::toArray($results_obj);
    				return $results_arr;
    	  // convert results from object to array type
    	  function toArray($obj) {
    		if(is_object($obj)) $obj = (array) $obj;
    		if(is_array($obj)) {
    		  $new = array();
    		  foreach($obj as $key => $val) {
    			$new[$key] = self::toArray($val);
    		else {
    		  $new = $obj;
    		return $new;

    and in templates/templates/locations-list.php, I added the following code:

    <form id="locations-dir-search" method="get" action="<?php echo site_url();?>/events/locations/">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="search_locations" />
    search locations <input type="text" id="locations_search" name="q" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='venue name, address, city'" onfocus="if(this.value=='venue name, address, city')this.value=''" value="venue name, address, city" />
    <input type="submit" value="search" />
    // if user searchs for location
    if( !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == "search_locations" && (!empty($_REQUEST['q'])) ){
    	//$q = rawurlencode($_REQUEST['q']);
    	$q = $_REQUEST['q'];
    	//print_r('<pre>');print_r( EM_Locations::search_locations($q) ); print_r('</pre>');
    	$locations = EM_Locations::search_locations($q);
    		for($i=0; $i<count($locations); $i++) {
    			echo '<a href="'.site_url().'/events/locations/'.$locations[$i]['slug'].'">'.$locations[$i]['value'] . '</a> ' . $locations[$i]['address'] . '<br/>';
    		echo 'No Locations';
    }else { // display default results of location list
    	echo EM_Locations::output(apply_filters('em_content_locations_args', $args));

    Although, I didn’t have time to include the pagination feature that’s included in the EM_Locations:output function, and I simply limited the results to 30. Perhaps someone will have the time to post solution here

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    thx for sharing!

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