• I have a page on my football site that displays a list of players their photo and a short description.

    I have hard coded this into the page input but i need a more user friendly approach to adding editing and removing players from the list.

    Here is the page so you can get a better idea.


    Please can someone help me make it easy from a non web guy to add, edit and remove players from this page list.



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  • I’ve thought of a way you can do this, but it’ll require a little work..

    You can do this using custom taxonomies, however since taxonomies only work for posts you’ll have to do a little customising..

    I’m just testing some code, and i’ll be back with the code and instructions for you…

    It will mean however that your footy team page exists as a post with some custom taxonomies to handle the players, management, etc…

    You’ll understand alot more once it’s put into practice, bear with me and i’ll post instructions..

    Ok, a few things to do, but i think you’ll like the result. I’ll just explain the purpose to this procedure first, so you have a better grasp on why i’m doing it this way..

    I’m going to have you create a post with an appropriate title and content to match the current “page”, then attach a page template to an empty page (can be your existing one if you like). The page will only act as a place holder for a template that retrieves the post. Additionally you’ll need to add some code to your functions.php …

    Anyhow, here’s what you need to do…

    1. Create a category, something unique and note the ID for the category.
    2. Create a post, with the same content as your current page, but leave out the players, management, etc.. bits. Give the post an appropriate title to.
    3. Assign the post to the category created in Step 1 and again note the ID.
    4. Save the post (we’ll come back to it).
    5. Open your theme’s functions.php and add the following code.
      Make sure to paste this code inside the PHP tags..


      Now update these 2 lines.

      $query->set('post__not_in', array(427));
      $query->set('category__not_in', array(1));

      .. setting 427 to the ID of the post we created, and 1 to the ID of the category you created. Save the changes (and load a page briefly just to make sure no problems).

    6. Create a file with a .php extension, name it what you like, but again something unique, i used footyteam.php .. /
    7. Add this code into the file.
      https://wordpress.pastebin.com/f6061516b , and then save. Upload this file to your theme folder, so for example wp-content/themes/default
    8. Create a page (or edit your existing one).
    9. Choose the page template to the right, and save.
    10. Optionally update your existing CSS or add the following.
      .committee, .players {
      .committee li, .players li {
      	list-style:inside disc;
      li.taxonomy_title {
      	list-style: none;
      .clear {
    11. Add any additional HTML you need to the page template
    12. Now open up the post originally created and you’ll see additional boxes down the righthand side (looks like the post tag box), one for each new taxonomy, players, coaches, management, etc.. So just add whoever you want in, in the same manner you’d add a tag, remembering to save after adding..

    That should be it, let me know if you have any problems..

    Thread Starter sgardner



    I had a quick bash at it yesterday but i must have missed something. The Tag boxes with the Players, committee etc. where there but when i added anything nothing changed.


    Does this system allow admin to attatch a photo and description to the Name?


    Custom taxonomies act like post tags (post tags are taxonomies), so they have the same limitations, they are only good for text values, ie. names .. or numbers.. (well in honesty i’ve not tested them with other values – so they may accept code, i’d not expect them to though)

    That’s not to say you can’t add additional code that associates a taxonomy with an image or any other number of things (the only limiting factor is your imagination and ability to write code)..

    I believe i’ve covered all the bases above, if something doesn’t work, read back over the steps and ensure you’ve done everything described (i don’t believe i’ve missed anything)..

    For you to be able edit html taxomonies, use this plugin that will add you a TinyMCE editor for them..


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