If the latter case, menu locations are theme dependent. The only way to override that is with a child theme.
]]>But it is much easier for the user if the menu is created by them with a standard WordPress menu, so that all the existing functionality is usable (including plugins which enhance menus). Then if you want the menu markup to be different, the theme would supply different menu walker code to output the different markup. That choice could still be a Customizer option, but the content of the menu needs to be easy for the user to do.
]]>The fact is that these are very “creative menus” – so I can not use the wordpress menu. If it is possible to connect an arbitrary menu to the wordpress menu, please let me know about it. The problem is that I do not know how to retrieve these 5 menus from the database. This is definitely done with the get_theme-mod function, but I do not know how to use this function with the “select” parameter. After all, it’s important to understand that I have not one element, and 5. And how do I retrieve them from the database?
]]>From what you’re describing, it doesn’t sound like a standard WordPress menu at all. You may be better off doing this as a regular theme option that allows a user to insert one of your special menus via a php include()
The fact is that these are very “creative menus” – so I can not use the wordpress menu.
Without seeing actual code, we have no idea what makes these “creative”. A bit of code would help. What are you actually trying to insert into that location?