I use the short code currently is:[jwplayer mediaid=”1761″ image=”image.jpg” /], in the configuration of the plugin allows me to add the url of Advertising and allows me to use only two options, “Client” and “Tag” but will not let me use “admessage” who is this that interests me now to put a message while reproduced the ad in my video. I tried adding the short code “[jwplayer mediaid=”1761” advertising=”{“client”:”vast”,”tag”:”https://google.com”,”admessage”:”hello…”}”/]” It does not work.
This is because I’ve seen the source code generated by jwplayer and puts it as follows:
“advertising”:{“client”:”vast”,”tag”:”https://ad4.liverail.com/?LR_PUBLISHER_ID=9012&LR_SCHEMA=vast2-vpaid&LR_VERTICALS=style_and_fashion”},”ga”:{},”sharing”:{}, “admessage”:”Hello…”,”image…
when it should be within Advertising being as follows:
but I can not do it, any idea how to do it? thanks in advance