How to configure this plugin
I am a little confused as to how to configure this plugin. I have my primary menu with four main menus and each has sub menus with sub menus. I want to show the list of sub menus for each page I place the shortcode on. I edited the products page which I want to show the links for all the individual product pages. I used this shortcode: [child_pages list=”true” depth=”2″] as their are 10 individual products each with one more sub menu level. For example:
Products>>Product Line 1>>Product 2
>>Product Line 2>>Product 2
>>Product Line 3>>Product 2
>>Product Line 4>>Product 2And so on…
Here is what I see when viewing the source code:
<div class="entry-content"> <p>Below are links to all of our product pages.</p> <pre><code></code></pre> <pre><code> </code></pre> </div><!-- .entry-content -->
And what I see on the page (without the html of course):
<div class=”entry-content”>
<p>Below are links to all of our product pages.</p></div><!– .entry-content –>
How would I do this? I know I could write the html for each page but there is a lot of pages. I was hoping to just place a shortcode to do the job for me.
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