• WordPress will compress scaled thumbnails of picture during upload, but, original image will be is same quality.

    I am trying to compress original image too. I wish to make image in original resolution available for users, but to compress it and save disk space. For example original 16 MP, hi resolution image can be 5 MB, but after applying 85% compression filter it can be 2-3 MB without noticeable quality loss.

    Also I need to preserve image EXIF data.

    Solution (need tweak):

    This function will compress original photo too, but it will strip EXIF/IPTC data too.

    function wt_handle_upload_callback( $data ) {
        $image_quality = 85; // 85% commpresion of original image
        $file_path = $data['file'];
        $image = false;
        switch ( $data['type'] ) {
            case 'image/jpeg': {
                $image = imagecreatefromjpeg( $file_path );
                imagejpeg( $image, $file_path, $image_quality );
            case 'image/png': {
                $image = imagecreatefrompng( $file_path );
                imagepng( $image, $file_path, $image_quality );
            case 'image/gif': {
                // No 'image quality' option
        return $data;
    add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload', 'wt_handle_upload_callback' )

    How to preserve EXIF data, and to compress original image?

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    ImageMagick is supposed to retain EXIF data, but it may depend on your server configuration. In some cases GD is used instead when resizing. If your server has both, you can force ImageMagick to be used with the ‘wp_image_editors’ filter.

    It appears the preference is for ImageMagick anyway, so if you’re losing EXIF data there’s probably a server support issue. If that is really the case you’d need to have a routine to explicitly extract the data, then reinsert it in the resized image. Naturally this would require the full file format specification. An approach of last resort for sure.

    It’d be worth trying to find a plugin that resizes images while retaining EXIF. Losing EXIF has been an ongoing issue for some time now.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    Thank you for your help.
    I just checked (using php info file), and I can see this:

    GD Support enabled
    GD Version bundled (2.1.0 compatible)

    But I can not find “imagemagick” or “imagick” in phpinfo output. Than
    I used this code to check if it is installed:

    // Check if imagick is loaded
    if(extension_loaded('imagick')) { echo 'Imagick loaded.'; }
    else { echo 'Imagick NOT loaded.'; }

    And I get this “Imagick NOT loaded.”.

    I guess I need to contact my hosting company to enable imagick? Is there anything else I should do, after that?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, I believe it’s a host thing. There is a stand alone package available, but I believe it needs to be installed as a server module to work with WordPress.

    Note that the EXIF retention I claimed is based on Internet chatter, I have not seen any authoritative evidence that it’s true.

    You shouldn’t need to do anything else other than make it available, but just in case GD is still used even with both available, you can force ImageMagick with this:

    add_filter('wp_image_editors', 'bc_force_imagick');
    function bc_force_imagick( $editors ) {
       unset( $editors[1] ); //remove GD from array
       return $editors;

    If that doesn’t pan out, note that you can extract EXIF data before processing the image with PHP’s exif_read_data(). Restoring it to a stripped image file is the hard part. Alternately, store the extracted data in the attachment’s post meta and use that to display the information along with the image instead of trying to get it from the image itself.



    You need the standalone ImageMagick application in order to use the Imagick PHP extension. If you have a VPS or dedicated server, you can install ImageMagick using the OS package installer (yum, apt-get, etc), and then install the Imagick extension via PECL.

    It is unlikely a shared hosting company will have the Imagick PHP extension installed. It is an insanely memory-hungry extension, and on most hosts it is not required since one can use shell_exec() or passthru() to get direct access to the ImageMagick convert and mogrify applications. I’m actually a little surprised this isn’t done in WordPress, since it would result in a significant drop in memory usage for a feature that inherently requires a lot of memory.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    Could you please explain this?
    It is an insanely memory-hungry extension

    I have good VPS with excellent full managed support, so I am sure my hosting company will install it on my VPS for me if I ask.

    I was looking for posts about ImageMagic vs GD:
    ImageMagick vs GD – which is faster, less resource intensive and produces better images?

    Which is better: GD or Imagick?

    It looks like, ImageMagic is better, and not “an insanely memory-hungry extension” (according to some sources it use even less memory than GD).
    In my case in needs just to resize original uploaded image to Word Press and create thumbnails.

    Off course, main and only reason to switch to ImageMagic is to keep EXIF info in image (look at first post code).

    I will contact my hosting company and ask them for opinion and to install ImageMagic. I will post results here.

    If there is anything else I should know, please write.



    If you have a VPS, then by all means have their support staff install both ImageMagick and the Imagick PHP extension.

    Note that your Stack Overflow link refers to ImageMagick, not the Imagick extension. And your other link compared Imagick to GD, not to accessing the ImageMagick application using shell_exec() or passthru().

    My point was that I was surprised that WordPress doesn’t use shell_exec() to access ImageMagick directly. Not only would this result in a dramatic reduction in memory usage, it would eliminate the need to install an obscure and insanely memory-hungry PHP extension.

    For what it’s worth, on my servers and those of my clients, I always install ImageMagick but never install the Imagick PHP extension.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    So, I need both ImageMagick and the Imagick PHP extension for WordPress to be able to resize uploaded images?

    If I understood right that ImageMagic PHP extension is insanely memory-hungry PHP extension?
    Will that consume my memory all the time or just in moment while WP generate thumbnails, resize, crop images?
    How much memory it will consume, some example?



    Yes, you need both. For more information:


    The Imagick PHP extension will use an insane amount of memory while it manipulates images, but not at any other time. As an example, if you are trying to resize a 5+ megapixel image, you’ll need a minimum of 256MB allocated to PHP (probably much more given the size of a typical WordPress installation). This is slightly less than what GD would require for the same image, but about eight times more than if the ImageMagick convert application was directly called using the PHP shell_exec() or passthru() functions.

    As I said, I’m surprised that WordPress doesn’t attempt to use shell_exec() given the reduction in memory usage. It’s also faster because the entire resizing operation is performed outside PHP.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    So, ImageMagic php extension will use slightly less than what GD is using now when processing image?

    I am using GD now, and I have no any problems, even with large images.
    I have images up to 30 MP uploaded to WordPress, even my php memory limit (from php info is now 128 MB) and WordPress memory limit (inside wp-config.php is 96 MB).

    Thank you for great support.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    ImageMagick and the Imagick PHP extension is installed on my host.
    Also I added this function to WP theme functions:

    add_filter('wp_image_editors', 'bc_force_imagick');
    function bc_force_imagick( $editors ) {
       unset( $editors[1] ); //remove GD from array
       return $editors;

    But, still generated images are without EXIF data.
    How can I be sure WP is using ImageMagick instead GD (I have both now)
    And, it it is using ImageMagick, how to tell WP/ImageMagick to keep EXIF?

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    I tested and imagick is in use. Word Press create medium and thumbnail sized image with EXIF/IPTC data in images.

    Problem is with my function which compress original image (see above, 1. post) when function is commented out, I get EXIF on all images, including medium and thumbnail size. When function is ON EXIF is lost in all images, including original.

    Any fix to compress function?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Before you get too involved with this, you may want to wait for WP 4.5 to drop. Last I heard this would be very soon. You’ll find this post interesting:

    Being intended for core coders, what’s of interest to us is only briefly mentioned in passing. Make note of filters for both changing compression parameters and whether to strip EXIF. Also note what the compression default was and will be.

    You can see from the comments that EXIF handling continues to be controversial and confusing. It may be the filters mentioned already exist in 4.4.2, so there may not be any need to wait for 4.5. But since image handling will change in some manner, I would wait anyway, or install the latest 4.5 release candidate if you really can’t wait.

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO



    WP released 4.5 today :-).
    I made some tests, default jpeg compression is changed from 90% to 82%, just 8%, but on my test on 4.4.2 medium sized image was 133kb, and same image on 4.5 is 91kb, without noticeable loss in quality.

    I can see new filters about images, but I am not sure how to use it. If I am right it is used to keepe/strip EXIF/IPTC data on resized images (if ImageMagic is used).

    I am using ImageMagic, but what I need is to compress original image too, and to keep EXIF on original image, so far I can see all this is for medium and thumbnails.

    Am I right?

    When I apply function above for compression original image, EXIF is removed from all images (original, medium, thumb).

    Any idea how to change function above to keep EXIF?

    Best regards.

    Moderator bcworkz


    The following is my understanding of things, I haven’t confirmed any of this for myself. Yes, WP only re-compresses reduced images, by default the original image uploaded remains unchanged from source.

    To prevent EXIF stripping in WP’s implementation of ImageMagick, use the ‘image_strip_meta’ filter. All your callback needs to do is return false. Unless you have an old PHP version, you can use a closure:
    add_filter('image_strip_meta', function( $bool ) { return false; });

    Thread Starter Advanced SEO


    I tried to add this to my functions:

    add_filter('image_strip_meta', function( $bool ) { return false; });

    but nothing, WP still create medium and thumbnail versions of original image with EXIF data.

    I hoped it will have same influence on original image when I apply my function for compressing original image, but than EXIF is removed from all images.

    Am I doing something wrong?

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