Hi @erroltuds,
I think I understand what you are saying, but this is how it is designed to work. If someone has registered/logged in, in the past, IdeaPush records their IP address against the user. This is done to prevent vote fraud and also people creating ideas under multiple identities.
So even if someone is logged out of WordPress, IdeaPush will still identify the person based on their IP address and associate that with their previous user account. So whilst they can logout of WordPress, they can never really logout of IdeaPush because of this IP identification.
Now I realise this may be confusing and not desirable for some people in some situations. This is why in the pro version we have an additional board setting called “Enable Multi IP’s” and when this is activated this basically means when someone logs out of WordPress they are also logged out of IdeaPush as well, and they can log in and out of different user accounts as they please and use IdeaPush with multiple user accounts.