• Hi,

    I couldn’t find a good solution for my problem, so I decided to make a topic.

    My DB is enormous (783MB!) and the bigest tables are wp_postmeta (637MB) and wp_post (123MB). I have tried to clean it up by various plugins but there is no effect.

    I found queries to check what I could delete:

    1. Select from wp_postmeta by meta_key with counting
    SELECT meta_key, COUNT( meta_key ) FROM wp_postmeta GROUP BY meta_key


    _additional_settings 4
    _auxin_meta_client 8
    _auxin_meta_release_date 8
    _display_related 8
    _dp_original 27
    _edit_last 52
    _edit_lock 193
    _elementor_controls_usage 387
    _elementor_css 25
    _elementor_data 1767
    _elementor_edit_mode 1788
    _elementor_page_assets 715
    _elementor_page_settings 1656
    _elementor_source_image_hash 16
    _elementor_template_type 1804
    _elementor_version 1791
    _form 4
    _format_audio_embed 35
    _format_audio_player_skin 35
    _format_quote_source_name 35
    _format_quote_source_url 35
    _format_video_embed 35
    _format_video_player_skin 35
    _hash 4
    _locale 4

    2. Order meta_key by size:

    SELECT meta_key, (SUM(LENGTH(meta_id)+LENGTH(post_id)+LENGTH(meta_key)+LENGTH(meta_value)))/1048576 AS Size, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM wp_postmeta GROUP BY meta_key ORDER BY Size DESC; 


     meta_key		   size		count
    _elementor_data		   568.7895 	1767
    _elementor_controls_usage  3.3453 	387
    _wp_attachment_metadata    0.5746 	660
    _elementor_page_settings   0.1319 	1656
    _elementor_page_assets 	   0.0943 	715
    _wp_page_template 	   0.0840	1786
    _elementor_template_type   0.0701 	1804
    _elementor_edit_mode 	   0.0628 	1788
    _elementor_version 	   0.0566 	1791
    _wp_attached_file 	   0.0455 	830

    3. Select entries without ID from wp_posts and wp_postmeta:

    SELECT *
    FROM wp_postmeta pm
    LEFT JOIN wp_posts wp ON wp.ID = pm.post_id

    And here the result is just few rows of meta key called “auxin-autop” and deleting them obviously doesn’t solve the problem. Probably this query is not valid for this problem?

    To sum up.

    I understand that I should delete Elementor data but how would I know which I can remove without breaking my site?

    Thank you in advance for helping me with my issue!

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