Edit: Doh! MichaelH replied while I was drafting a long winded reply.
Try these steps.
1) Backup your blog for a safety net
Make a file and database backup of your blog and then export the blog using WXR. This is your safety net in case the “bad thing” happens while you are playing/working on this.
2) Edit your wp-config.php file
Now edit your wp-config.php
and modify the $table_prefix
from whatever it is to a new prefix. So if it read
$table_prefix = 'wp_';
Try changing it to
$table_prefix = 'cb_';
The cb is for Cloudfe Blog, make it anything you want.
Now go to https://yourblogurl/wp-admin/install.php
and you will be asked info for your blog. The tables with that new prefix are empty and will look like a new installation to WordPress.
That’s because it is a new install. Now setup your blog name, privacy settings, permalinks, theme etc. All settings are at the default now and you will have to re-activate any plugins and theme settings.
3) Import your WXR file
Now delete the dummy post and page that new installs get and import your WXR file via https://yourblogurl/wp-admin/import.php
and all your posts, pages, and comments will be back.
If anything goes wrong, just restore the copy of wp-config.php. That will put the $table_prefix
back to the way it was before and you’ll get everything back.