• Hello,

    I have a blog on blogger.

    Link: https://jobs.gofreshers.org/

    Now i wanna move to wordpress from blogger for some reasons. But i love my blogger blog’s layout too much.
    I am trying to make my wordpress blog’s layout same as it is in blogger. But as i am not too much familiar with wordpress i am finding a lot of difficulties in customizing its look and layout.

    Please give me some suggestions how can i do it or please let me know if there are some good professional layout ready made templates are available on wordpress.

    Awaiting reply. thanking you in anticipation.

    Sachin Agrawal

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  • Which of blogger’s themes is the one that you would like to emulate in WordPress? It’s possible that someone may have created a wordpress version of that theme. You might be able to search for it by name in the WordPress themes library.

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