• I chose “Picture Perfect 1.3.3 by Wayne Connor” as my website theme. My website (iowatom.com) is far from functional so far. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to change the pictures on the left to ones that I have taken. I thought I uploaded one but it didn’t show up.

    Any help would be MUCH appreciated.

    Thank you very much.


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  • Hello Iowa, I have the same problem.
    I really like the “Picture Perfect 1.3.3 by Wayne Connor” theme, but it is frustrating not to be able to change the pictures on the main page menu.
    I am just starting to work with websites and wordpress, I really would appreciate some help out here.



    This is my website


    the images are in the /wp-content/themes/picture-perfect/imagemenu/images folder; 240*300px;

    part of the code, setting the images, is in header.php:

    <div id="imageMenu">
    				<?php slider_menuparse(wp_list_pages('sort_column=ID&depth=1&number=7&title_li=&echo=0')); ?>
    </div>  <!-- END imagemenu -->

    i.e. the images are connected to the page menu; at the moment restricted to 7 items.

    numbered from 1 to 7 – corresponding to the image names.

    the css styles for this are in /imagemenu/imageMenu.css

    #imageMenu ul li.bk1 a {
    	background: url(images/1.jpg) repeat scroll ;


    Thank you for your help. We were able to get it fixed by following your message and changing out the photos in the C-panel.

    Much obliged.

    William & Malu


    I would like to use this theme as well. I am far from a code reader. I really would like to change the images to my own.



    I would like to use this theme as well. I am far from a code reader. I really would like to change the images to my own.


    hi Jodi,

    You do not need to be a techie to do this. Its fairly easy.

    just go to the folder /wp-content/themes/picture-perfect/imagemenu/images

    Whatever you want to put your pictures as, they should follow the below guidelines:

    1) size should be 240*300px;
    2) name them as 1.jpg, 2.jpg, …. 7.jpg ( they will appear in the same sequence in the image menu).
    3) Delete the pictures already present there and replace them with your desired pictures with the names as mentioned in point 2.

    That’s it. Please not that the above procedure is for a layman. In case you want to do more with this theme you can contact me at [email protected]

    ~ Thanks,
    Anuj Sukhija

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