• Hi,
    I am looking for someone who can help me to change the shipping cost in this code:

    <?php do_action('wpsc_before_shipping_of_shopping_cart'); ?>
       <div id="wpsc_shopping_cart_container">
       <?php if(wpsc_uses_shipping()) : ?>
          <table class="productcart" cellspacing="7" width="100%" style="margin:10px 0;">
             <?php /*?><tr class="wpsc_shipping_info">
                <td colspan="5">
                   <?php _e('Please choose a country below to calculate your shipping costs', 'wpsc'); ?>
             </tr><?php */?>
             <?php if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quote()) : // No valid shipping quotes ?>
                <?php if (wpsc_have_valid_shipping_zipcode()) : ?>
                      <tr class='wpsc_update_location'>
                         <td colspan='5' class='shipping_error' >
                            <?php _e('Please provide a Zipcode and click Calculate in order to continue.', 'wpsc'); ?>
                <?php else: ?>
                   <tr class='wpsc_update_location_error'>
                      <td colspan='5' class='shipping_error' >
                         <?php _e('Sorry, online ordering is unavailable to this destination and/or weight. Please double check your destination details.', 'wpsc'); ?>
                <?php endif; ?>
             <?php endif; ?>
             <?php /*?><tr class='wpsc_change_country'>
                <td colspan='5'>
                   <form name='change_country' id='change_country' action='' method='post'>
                      <?php echo wpsc_shipping_country_list();?>
                      <input type='hidden' name='wpsc_update_location' value='true' />
                      <input type='submit' name='wpsc_submit_zipcode' value='Calculate' />
             </tr><?php */?>
             <?php if (wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_quote()) :?>
                <?php while (wpsc_have_shipping_methods()) : wpsc_the_shipping_method(); ?>
                      <?php    if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quotes()) { continue; } // Don't display shipping method if it doesn't have at least one quote ?>
                      <tr class='wpsc_shipping_header'><td class='shipping_header' colspan='5'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_method_name().__(' - Choose a Shipping Rate', 'wpsc'); ?> </td></tr>
                      <?php while (wpsc_have_shipping_quotes()) : wpsc_the_shipping_quote();  ?>
                         <tr class='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'>
                            <td class='wpsc_shipping_quote_name wpsc_shipping_quote_name_<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>' colspan='3'>
                               <label for='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_name(); ?></label>
                            <td class='wpsc_shipping_quote_price wpsc_shipping_quote_price_<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>' style='text-align:center;'>
                               <label for='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'><?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(); ?></label>
                            <td class='wpsc_shipping_quote_radio wpsc_shipping_quote_radio_<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>' style='text-align:center;'>
                               <?php if(wpsc_have_morethanone_shipping_methods_and_quotes()): ?>
                                  <input type='radio' id='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>' <?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_selected_state(); ?>  onclick='switchmethod("<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_name(); ?>", "<?php echo wpsc_shipping_method_internal_name(); ?>")' value='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(true); ?>' name='shipping_method' />
                               <?php else: ?>
                                  <input <?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_selected_state(); ?> disabled='disabled' type='radio' id='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_html_id(); ?>'  value='<?php echo wpsc_shipping_quote_value(true); ?>' name='shipping_method' />
                                     <?php wpsc_update_shipping_single_method(); ?>
                               <?php endif; ?>
                      <?php endwhile; ?>
                <?php endwhile; ?>
             <?php endif; ?>
             <?php wpsc_update_shipping_multiple_methods(); ?>
             <?php if (!wpsc_have_shipping_quote()) : // No valid shipping quotes ?>
                <?php return; ?>
             <?php endif; ?>
       <?php endif;  ?>
          $wpec_taxes_controller = new wpec_taxes_controller();
          <table class="productcart" cellspacing="7" width="100%">
             <tr class="total_price total_tax">
                <td colspan="3">
                   <?php //echo wpsc_display_tax_label(true); ?>
                <td colspan="2">
                   <span id="checkout_tax" class="pricedisplay checkout-tax"><?php //echo wpsc_cart_tax(); ?></span>
       <?php endif; ?>
       <?php do_action('wpsc_before_form_of_shopping_cart'); ?>
    The actual shipping cost is 6 euros for The Nederland and 12 euros for all the other country. Where can I change the code to insert the new values??? For example, if I wanted to put 10 euro for the Netherlands, and 14 for other nations, what should I change?
    This is the plugin I have: WP eCommerce
    And this is the code:
      * Plugin Name: WP e-Commerce
      * Plugin URI: https://getshopped.org/
      * Description: A plugin that provides a WordPress Shopping Cart. See also: <a href="https://getshopped.org">GetShopped.org</a> | <a href="https://getshopped.org/forums/">Support Forum</a> | <a href="https://docs.getshopped.org/">Documentation</a>
      * Version:
      * Author: Instinct Entertainment
      * Author URI: https://getshopped.org/
     * WP_eCommerce
     * Main WPEC Plugin Class
     * @package wp-e-commerce
    class WP_eCommerce {
    	 * Start WPEC on plugins loaded
    	function WP_eCommerce() {
    		add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'init' ), 8 );
    	 * Takes care of loading up WPEC
    	function init() {
    		// Previous to initializing
    		do_action( 'wpsc_pre_init' );
    		// Initialize
    		// Finished initializing
    		do_action( 'wpsc_init' );
    	 * Initialize the basic WPEC constants
    	function start() {
    		// Set the core file path
    		define( 'WPSC_FILE_PATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) );
    		// Define the path to the plugin folder
    		define( 'WPSC_DIR_NAME',  basename( WPSC_FILE_PATH ) );
    		// Define the URL to the plugin folder
    		define( 'WPSC_FOLDER',    dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) );
    		define( 'WPSC_URL',       plugins_url( '', __FILE__ ) );
    		//load text domain
    		if( !load_plugin_textdomain( 'wpsc', false, '../languages/' ) )
    			load_plugin_textdomain( 'wpsc', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/wpsc-languages/' );
    		// Finished starting
    		do_action( 'wpsc_started' );
    	 * Setup the WPEC core constants
    	function constants() {
    		// Define globals and constants used by wp-e-commerce
    		require_once( WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-constants.php' );
    		// Load the WPEC core constants
    		// Is WordPress Multisite
    		// Start the wpsc session
    		// Which version of WPEC
    		// WPEC Table names and related constants
    		// Uploads directory info
    		// Any additional constants can hook in here
    		do_action( 'wpsc_constants' );
    	 * Include the rest of WPEC's files
    	function includes() {
    		require_once( WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-functions.php' );
    		require_once( WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-installer.php' );
    		require_once( WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-includes.php' );
    		// Any additional file includes can hook in here
    		do_action( 'wpsc_includes' );
    	 * Setup the WPEC core
    	function load() {
    		// Before setup
    		do_action( 'wpsc_pre_load' );
    		// Legacy action
    		do_action( 'wpsc_before_init' );
    		// Setup the core WPEC globals
    		// Setup the core WPEC cart
    		// Load the thumbnail sizes
    		// Load the purchase log statuses
    		// Load unique names and checout form types
    		// Load the gateways
    		// Load the shipping modules
    		// Set page title array for important WPSC pages
    		// WPEC is fully loaded
    		do_action( 'wpsc_loaded' );
    	 * WPEC Activation Hook
    	function install() {
    		global $wp_version;
    		if((float)$wp_version < 3.0){
    			 deactivate_plugins(plugin_basename(__FILE__)); // Deactivate ourselves
    			 wp_die( __('Looks like you\'re running an older version of WordPress, you need to be running at least WordPress 3.0 to use WP e-Commerce 3.8', 'wpsc'), __('WP e-Commerce 3.8 not compatible', 'wpsc'), array('back_link' => true));
    		define( 'WPSC_FILE_PATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) );
    		require_once( WPSC_FILE_PATH . '/wpsc-core/wpsc-installer.php' );
    	public function deactivate() {
    		foreach ( wp_get_schedules() as $cron => $schedule ) {
    			wp_clear_scheduled_hook( "wpsc_{$cron}_cron_task" );
    // Start WPEC
    $wpec = new WP_eCommerce();
    // Activation
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( $wpec, 'install' ) );
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array( $wpec, 'deactivate' ) );

    [Moderator Note: Please post code or markup between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use a pastebin. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    Can someone help me?

    Thank you very much!!


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