How to change the sentence to add a file?
Many thanks for the incredible solution you offered with all of your woo-nderful work.
Actually, I got the Yith Woocommerce and it is great.
I’d just like to modify the button text (when you can add a file) and the sentence which is, for the moment :
“You can customize your order sending a file. Choose one of the following formats: doc, docx.”
I tried this in the function.php :
// Change Add To Download File Text
add_filter( ‘single_add_to_download_file_text’, ‘yoursite_download_file_text’, 10, 1 );
function yoursite_download_file_text( $button_text ) {
$button_text = ‘Déposer son fichier’;
return $button_text;
But it didn’t work at all. I’m really a (french) newbie so many thanks for your help!
My best!
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