Oh, you are correct. I confused two things when I was writing my answer. Sorry.
For the header menu bar – open up /wp-content/themes/{themename}/header.php
there should be a line in there that calls wp_list_pages – it will have code like this in between wp_list_pages(‘…stuffhere…’)
If in “stuff here”, one of them starts with sort_column=
take out whatever is after sort_column= up to either an ampersand & or else the closing ‘ or ” character. If there is no sort column= you are going to add one.
examples – yours won’t look like this, just demonstrating how to do it
if you see something like that, you will change it to look like this
The ampersand is a separator between instructions you are giving the wp_list_pages routine. So add it to the end of the list with an ampersand in front, just before the closing ‘ or “
if you already see sort_column=post_title
or sort_column= anything else, then remove the word after the equal sign and replace it with menu_order That tells WP to display the pages as you have assigned them to page # order.
I’m not very familiar with the pages widget. Just took a look, doesn’t seem to be anything built in to limit it as you want. Searched the plugin directory and the addon page widgets are about 2 years old.
All the widget would be is an ease-of-use wrapper on the same wp_list_pages you are working with for the nav header. Once you learn how to work with it in the header, you could learn to configure it in your sidebar also. There’s really not programming involved, just pasting a line of code in and changing the instructions you give it for what you want it to do.
The page that describes all it can do is here