How to change the order of items at r_sidebar
I want to change the order the menu appears on the right side bar:
Recent Entries
Radio Reggaeton
Dona Ahora! AyudaI would like to re-position to:
Radio Reggaeton
Dona Ahora! Ayuda
Recent EntriesI’m able to see the location of Recent Entries, but not the others. I’m looking at r_sidebar.php:
<h2>Recent Entries</h2><?php query_posts(‘showposts=5’); ?>
* <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> “><?php the_title() ?><span class=”recent_date”><?php the_time(‘n.j’) ?></span><?php endwhile; endif; ?>
* /archives” title=”Visit the archives!”>Visit the archives for more!<?php if (function_exists(‘get_flickrrss’)) { ?>
<li class=”widget”>
<h2><span class=”flickr_blue”>Flick</span><span class=”flickr_pink”>r</span></h2>
<ul class=”flickr_stream”>
<?php get_flickrrss(); ?><?php } ?>
<?php get_links_list(‘id’); ?>
<?php endif; ?>Where are:?
Radio Reggaeton
Dona Ahora! Ayudathanks.
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