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  • Same question!

    I would like my event listing to include the image thumbnails like the demo, but grouped by date. My page is

    Thread Starter sylvsteph


    The thumbnail would be nice. I don’t understand how to do that.

    Thread Starter sylvsteph


    In the settings, mise en forme (I don’t know the word in english, the third column of settings):

    En-tête liste, I add in the middle <th class=”event-image” width=”150″>Image</th>:

    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="events-table" >
    			<th class="event-time" width="150">Date / Heure</th>
                            <th class="event-image" width="150">Image</th>
    			<th class="event-description" width="*">événement</th>

    In the format of events list, I add in the middle:

    like this:

                    {has_location}<br/><i>#_LOCATIONNAME, #_LOCATIONTOWN #_LOCATIONPOSTCODE</i>{/has_location}
    Thread Starter sylvsteph


    But I didn’t find how to show the link to the streaming concerts to the events. I don’t know what word can do that. The streaming concerts don’t appear even on the single event. Only the address appears. What is the placeholder for the streaming events?

    Thread Starter sylvsteph


    Thread Starter sylvsteph


    I found the url locations placeholders here:


                    {has_location}<br/><i>#_LOCATIONLINK #_LOCATIONFULLLINE</i>{/has_location}


    <div style="float:right; margin:0px 0px 15px 15px;">#_LOCATIONMAP</div>
    	<strong>Date / Heure</strong><br/>
    	Date(s) - #_EVENTDATES<br /><i>#_EVENTTIMES</i>
    {/has_location} {has_event_location}
    <br style="clear:both" />
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