this is what I did, I created a new child theme, and created a blank “functions.php”, the following code is what i put in there.
i remove the footer first, then add my own. the only place you need to replace is the “” and the “anyName” areas. You can change the rest spacious or ThemeGrill words at your like. hope it helps!
/* Register shortcodes. */
add_action( 'init', 'remove_copy' );
function remove_copy(){
remove_action('spacious_footer_copyright', 'spacious_footer_copyright', 10);
add_action('spacious_footer_copyright', 'my_footer_info', 10);
add_shortcode( 'cb-link', 'theme_link_shortcode' );
function theme_link_shortcode() {
return '<a href="'.esc_url( '' ).'" target="_blank" title="'.esc_attr__( 'ThemeGrill', 'spacious' ).'" ><span>'.__( 'anyName', 'childofSpacious') .'</span></a>';
function my_footer_info() {
$my_footer_info = '<div class="copyright">'.__( 'Copyright ? ', 'spacious' ).'[the-year] [site-link] '.__( 'Theme by: ', 'anyName' ).'[cb-link] '.'</div>';
echo do_shortcode( $my_footer_info );