• Currently I have a wordpress installation at a free host and with their subdomain. I wish to change the domain name (URL) alone, but still staying at that hosting.

    What are the steps to be done to update the domain name, without losing my contents and plugin data.

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  • See this Changing Site URL

    If that does not answer your question, search further in the Codex.

    Thread Starter Roshan


    Hello ,
    In my existing wordpress installation at a free host, I was using a co.cc domain. Yesterday, I bought a new domain, and updated the name servers. But the site was not loading. So, I did the 1st and the 4th method of changing the siteurl and ‘home’. Still the site is not available.

    Did I messed up something. What should be done?

    It can take up to 3 days for a new domain name to propagate fully.

    Thread Starter Roshan


    Why does it take this much time…And my site is new….When i first upadted with a free domain name, it was possible for me to load immediately. Now when i paid for a domain, it is not working. How funny?

    Though I reverted back all the settings,
    I am doing it again.

    Now what I am going to do is :-
    a) update the name servers for the new domain
    b) edit wp-config in the database (as given in the 4th method of changing the url).

    what is your suggestion on this?

    Why does it take this much time

    Because every single DNS server around the world has to be updated.

    Thread Starter Roshan


    Thanks Esmi for the quick reply..
    When I searched the internet, I came across a wp-change-domain scrip written Dan Doezema. When running the script, shall I update the name servers before running the script?

    These are not WordPress issues. Contact your hosts or your domain registrars for support.

    Thread Starter Roshan


    okay, that is a point i know…

    I got a doubt.

    I updated the nameservers of the new domain, and deleted all details in the old domain.
    I ran the Dan Doezema script with the old url,and got a message that something has been changed. I was in a dilemma, whether i did was right. So, i again run the script and changed back to the old domain with the script.
    What I did next was updating the wp-options table using phpmyadmin to the new doamin. What happens now is that, the new domain is not working, and the old domain still works without themes and any beauty.

    please have a look at https://roshgorg.co.cc and https://theopennews.in

    Thread Starter Roshan


    Hello, I did a complete domain change and also, moved the hosting from one location to another in the same server.

    Everything in the tutorials of changing the domain and hosting worked fine. But, there is a problem now, I am facing. The new domain https://theopennews.in points to the correct place. The name of the website in the webpage is ‘The Open News’ , where as that shown in the title of the browser window is my old website name. How to correct this?

    Another problem with 301 redirect. In my old hosting account’s .htaccess file, I added 301 redirect to my new domain. When I go to the old domain ( https://roshgorg.co.cc ),it is loading some other website. Doesn’t the 301 redirect support .in domain ?

    1. Check the name of the site in Settings -> General.

    2. The redirect is working for me.

    Thread Starter Roshan


    The site name in the general setting is “The Open News”…But still no change.

    The redirection from https://roshgorg.co.cc is taking me to https://theopennews.com .It should actually take me to https://theopennews.in

    That’s nothing to do with WordPress.

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