• Resolved RonaldS


    I prefer bigger flag icons. But how to replace / change the default flags with bigger flag is difficult to understand.
    I am using NL – GB – DE – FR flags.

    Can you inform me where I can do this.
    Thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by RonaldS.
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  • Thread Starter RonaldS


    Hi, 2 weeks ago I posted my question. Still not get an answer. Bit strange.

    Try creating a directory /wp-content/polylang

    In it add the larger flag images you want, in the form fr_FR.png

    That worked for me.

    Thread Starter RonaldS


    I have tested this solution without success. Also try it in all browsers FF-Chrome-Edge including deleting cache on my server and local cache. Nothing helps.

    See: https://prnt.sc/gg3u74
    How you managed it to make this working is unclear to me.
    Hope you have a solution.

    The url of the flags you are declaring is: 

    Thread Starter RonaldS


    Your solution works but not for gb_GB.png
    Also try en_EN.png without result.

    Look screenshot: https://prnt.sc/ghqc7c

    How can I solve this one?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by RonaldS.
    Thread Starter RonaldS


    See that it should be en_GB.png for English. Change the flag name and delete all local and server cache again.
    No result still show the default English flag.
    See admin settings part: https://prntscr.com/gi6iat
    How to handle now?

    Thread Starter RonaldS


    Somehow after 3 hours I get the correct Flag! Strange.
    Okay. solved.

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