• I have looked in every available option and it’s driving me crazy. On the front page is stuff I do not want or want to move, mostly want to just delete like
    Featured Video
    Sponsored Links
    and than the other stuff that is there I want to move up and change the order, can someone send me a link to on how to do this. driving me crazy and I’ve been looking and looking for days,

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  • LINK!!!

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    any updates please, I’ve been still trying to figure out how to remove items from the front page and how to move things around. None stop for over 2 hours now looking at lots of php files and trying different wigets, but so far I have reached a dead wall……I know it’s gotta be simple but until this gets figured how how can I complete my site. struggling all week.
    thanks in advance

    It’s a big football weekend – 2 hours is not a long time to wait.

    Exactly what “stuff” do you want to remove or “move around”? Are you using widgets? If so you should be able to move items around using the dashboard for widgets. Or delete same by deactivating those widgets you don’t want. Other items can be removed or addedd depending on where they are – standard sidebar code or in the body of the blog. The featured video is in your CSS using the id div .video. Remove that div and it’s gone. The other links is an adsence item controlled with the id div .adcense. I honestly don’t know enough about adscence to tell you if it is safe to just remove that div. I would guess not, and that it is a widget that would have to be deactivated.

    Until you get more specific on what other things you want to do it is difficult to help further.

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    Thank you Saurus,

    well, there are no widgets activated. ok, I get the basics like adding categories and pages and installed wigets.


    If you would mind just having a look at the front page, all the stuff on the right, I either want to remove or change it, where is the template to do this, you said something about css? Sorry where are those files to change? I’m really new to this program.

    on the right you see the word: sponsored link and video, i want those gone.
    I also would like that advertisement thing gone for now
    blogroll I dont’ need
    but the rest of the stuff I want to move up the top.
    ? any help in pointing me in the right direction would be great thank u…

    that stuff is probably in your sidebar.php file…I would look there.

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    what am I looking for and do I “rem” it out or???

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    ok here is my sidebar.php file what now?

    <!– begin r_sidebar –>

    <div id=”r_sidebar”>

    <ul id=”r_sidebarwidgeted”>

    <?php if ( function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) && dynamic_sidebar(3) ) : else : ?>

    <!–To define the 120×600 ad, go to your WP dashboard and go to Presentation -> Revolution Options and enter the image source and destination URL.–>

    <li id=”ads”>
    “><img src=”<?php $ad_img = get_option(‘rev_ad_img’); echo $ad_img; ?>” alt=”Featured 120×600 Ad” />

    <?php endif; ?>


    <!– end r_sidebar –>

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    ok last night I just took that code above and started removing lines until the front page was the way I wanted it. Is this correct? This cannot be right? Is there a widget that will do this otherwise we all need to learn how to code this stuff?

    Thread Starter leebrendalee


    any other advice please per my other comments?

    I’m not a php wiz, but I manage to edit templates in pretty much the same way. You DO have to be careful if you start deleting and commenting things out. Commenting out not so bad because you can uncomment. Either way, you can wind up breaking things so part(s) or all of the site doesn’t work.

    Before editing a template the first thing I do is to make a copy of it and save the original as it was. That way if I need code from it or need to look at what was there originally, it’s available.

    I don’t know how to code php, but I’ve become pretty good at editing someone elses template as far as removing what I don’t want etc. So, no you really don’t need to know how to code, you do need to have the ability to more or less figure out what code you want to remove.

    I find I usually have to edit the code to remove what I don’t want, but more often the css because many “out of the box” templates don’t validate.

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