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  • I notice the color they’re missing when I save stylesheet. Don’t know why that happens.

    Since the sidebar customization is the only thing I see in your Custom CSS, I’d remove whatever you have there now and paste in the following. This is just a block of code that includes the individual snippets I posted above. Hopefully that will fix it:

    /* remove the existing sidebar heading text */
    .s1 .sidebar-top p:first-child,
    .s2 .sidebar-top p:first-child {
      display: none;
    /* new main sidebar heading */
    .s1 .sidebar-top:before {
      content: "New Heading Left";
    /* new secondary sidebar heading */
    .s2 .sidebar-top:before {
      content: "New Heading Right";
    /* style the new headings */
    .s1 .sidebar-top:before,
    .s2 .sidebar-top:before {
      color: #fff;
      font-size: 18px;
      font-weight: 600;
      padding: 2px 0;
    /* adjust for secondary sidebar heading height */
    .s2 .sidebar-top:before {
      padding: 3px 0;
    /* bring social links up into the sidebar heading */
    .s1 .sidebar-top .social-links {
      padding-top: 0;
      margin-top: -25px;
    /* adjust new sidebar heading color to match social icons in mobile view */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) and (min-width: 479px) {
      .s1 .sidebar-top:before {
        color: #666;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) and (min-width: 479px) {
      .s2 .sidebar-top:before {
        color: #666;

    Perfect. The problem is now resolved. Thank you bdbrown.

    You’re welcome. Glad it’s working the way you wanted.

    If you don’t need any further assistance here please mark the post as resolved. Thanks.

    I can’t mark this issue as resolved because I’m not starting this topic. Thanks again bdbrown, you so helpful.

    I can’t mark this issue as resolved because I’m not starting this topic.

    And that’s one reason why you should not hijack someone else’s thread – please be sure to start your own next time per the forum guidelines –

    @wpyogi – valid point. Should have steered it that way to begin with. Since it’s been 2 weeks can you set this topic to resolved and/or closed? Thanks.

    Ok @wpyogi. I just go forward inside this topic because my problem is same, worried to open so many posts if the issues are same.

    It’s still best to start your own thread – it’s often very confusing and often impossible to have multiple conversations in the same thread. So no worries, but next time, please do start a new thread :)!

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