You are using a Child Theme. So add this to bottom of current theme’s style.css
Admin Dashboard>Appearance>Editor>style.css should be the file shown by default but verify.
Add just below:
@import url("../autotrader-parent/screen.css");
So file now looks like:
Theme Name: AutoTrader Child
Theme URI:
Description: Child theme for the AutoTrader. Child themes are the recommended way of making modifications to a theme. <a href="">Reade More</a>
Author: ThemeFuse
Author URI:
Template: autotrader-parent
@import url("../autotrader-parent/style.css");
@import url("../autotrader-parent/screen.css");
.header_top {
.header_thin {
.footer {
Caution: I strongly encourage you to backup the site first, or at least this file now, in case an error is made (by you). When we edit files in the Dashboard Editor, we can lose access to the site, just read through the multitude of posts on this forum related to that.
What I do is use FileZilla and keep an unedited copy of any file that will be edited prior to edit so I can quickly put the original file back if I mess up (and we all do at some point).