from my blog: patsmithwritesThe Patio
Trucking Africa
internet cafes
1. You will find them everywhere – in small villages, at crossroads, in beachside hovels. Wherever there is electricity, internet cafes have spawned.
2. The word ‘café’ is normally a misnomer: there is little or no refreshment available despite the fact that you end up gasping for liquid, any liquid, after waiting for 30 minutes for a connection in a small, sweltering shack with no ventilation whatsoever. (see Nos 3 & 5).
3. Do not rely on anything. Power-cuts and failed connections are normal. To avoid insanity, save everything immediately. Write your e-mails as a document first, then cut and paste.
4. You will be surrounded by eager children playing noisy games which have nothing to do with football and everything to do with mice. If you are lucky only four will be clustered eagerly around each screen. Feel entitled to protest if numbers exceed ten.
5. The keyboard will be different and often positioned in the shade so that you can’t see it anyway. Letters/symbols will appear in strange places so either type very slowly or your friends will have to develop the aft if wirking uyt whsr you*vs wtitten. Keys might be mi ing or the spacebarmightnotwork. It adds a certain spice to your recipients’ lives as they spend hours trying to work out what you have written.