• Hello! So someone designed my site for me, and he gave me instructions on how to do many things; however, he never told me how to do the following:

    1) Change colour of text

    2) Change background colour

    3) Change font

    If you can please help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it! PLEASE, however, be clear? In other words, don’t assume I am tech/internet savvy. Feel free to give directions as if to a child. I promise not to be offended, as long as you’re polite. ??


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  • Can’t help without a link to your site or the HTML and CSS that makes up your site.

    Ok, it’s what i’ve just learned to! First of all you must open the folder
    Then you must click on the icon “modify” just at the right of the file “Style.css”.
    Than you must edit as you want the voice
    #Logo h1 or something similar. Generally you must edit something with “h1” in the name.
    You must change font-family to chan the font type
    font-size to change the size
    and so…
    font-face: ‘verdana’, arial;
    font-color: #fff
    and so…

    If you don’t succeed in it, please tell me about what theme are you using… or try to contact the theme developer

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Hi, Gabriel, and thank you so much. I will try this later when I have more time to focus. As for contacting the theme developer, believe me, I’ve tried. He’s a TOTAL flake. Unfortunately, he’s placed his name and contact on the bottom of all my site pages. ??

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Gabriel, just for the heck of it, I tried right now to find this folder you mentioned: “wp-content/themes/theme-name/” and I cannot find it anywhere. Can you please be sure you’re titling everything exactly as it is on wordpress? Please don’t assume I know. I’m really not savvy at this stuff!! :-/

    Thanks, again!

    There is no way to tell you where to go since every theme is different.

    Either need a link to your website or link to a demo of what theme you are using. Without that info everything is just a guess.

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Here is the link to my website. I don’t know what else to give you.

    https://www.dartingtrout.com/ [ Mod note, just in case: Link NSFW ]

    I’d edit the last post and add NSFW to follow forum rules.

    Next would need to know what you want to change.

    1) Change colour of text
    What text and where?

    2) Change background colour
    What background and where?

    3) Change font
    What text font and where?

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    You would edit the last post? What do you mean? And what does “add NSFW to follow forum rules” mean?

    Anyway, in reply to your questions:

    1) The quote “I am a darting trout; shifting, glancing, & flashing my iridescent tail in a hundred pleasant pools.” – Dolly Wilde (It’s under the title of site on home page. I don’t like the colour blue he chose.

    2) The entire background of site is black. I want something lighter.

    3) Particularly the font on home page where the quote and title exist. If there is any other way to change font anywhere else, I’d like to have that as an option, as well.

    Can you please help?

    1. open style.css under Appearance -> Editor


    #header {
        color: #0000FF;
        font-family: harrington;
        font-size: 19px;
        font-weight: 400;

    Change color: #0000ff; to the color you want. If you dont understand hex colors then google it.

    2. Your background is an image. Find or make a light color image using the same size as the pic below and overwrite the file below.


    3. Same as 1 but edit font-family: harrington;

    Change harrington to the font family you want.

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Well, I really appreciate this attempt at helping me, but I couldn’t find the following ANYwhere where you told me to go:

    #header {
    color: #0000FF;
    font-family: harrington;
    font-size: 19px;
    font-weight: 400;

    And as for your directions to question number 2, they were not clear to me at all.

    I appreciate the efforts. If you want to give up, no problem. I’ll ask someone else.


    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Ok, so I took a chance. I realised that you may not have meant that the following needed to be in this exact order and format below:

    #header {
    color: #0000FF;
    font-family: harrington;
    font-size: 19px;
    font-weight: 400;

    I was, thus, able to change the colour of the quote. I would like to change the colour of the other fonts, starting with the title “Darting Trout.”

    And again, I would like to change the background colour, but please be super clear as to how?

    Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    P.S. I also do not know where to find “font families.” Thank you!

    Ok,and here again. I’ll start from the beginning.
    First of all I think you don’t know so much about CSS and HTML code. As much as I know the English language.
    Ok, then i’ll explain you something.
    The font tag haven’t to be in order. You can place font-family before font-size in the order you want.
    Ok, next. I thought you were using another tipe of theme. So, in the style.css file (As i Understood you found it) you must look for “h1” or “title” or “HEAD” (not header) or “# Logo h1”. Then you can change his tags as you want.

    No you want to edit in header for what you want changed. Not what was mentioned above.

    Here it will change the text to red and arial. Just copy and paste this over your old code in style.css

    #header {
    color: #FF0000;
    font-family: arial;
    font-size: 19px;
    font-weight: 400;

    Here is a link to pick what color you want


    Here is a link to pick some font names


    If you can’t get this I can offer my help. Click on my name and contact me through my site.

    Thread Starter DartingTrout


    Hello, again!

    If/when anyone gets a moment, will you please help me with the following on my site: https://www.dartingtrout.com

    1) I would like to change the background behind the words DARTING TROUT on my homepage, as well as on the other pages of the site, as DARTING TROUT appears on all of them, as you know.

    2) I would like to change the white borders around each box to another colour on my homepage.

    3) I would like to change the white borders around all my photos to another colour on my portfolio page

    I will probably use the exact same colour for all the above changes.

    Thanks so much for offering CLEAR and step-by-step instructions to a person who knows pretty much ZILCH about html, java, blah blah blah, whatever. ?? In other words, verrrrry “right brained.”



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