Hi @donbowman !
Thank you for clarifying.
I ran a few tests according to what you’re describing and the tests all resulted in a change in the width of the Group Block, both in the Editor as well as in the live site and preview.
For the preview, you can test the caching, by clearing your browser’s cache before previewing.
For my tests, I tried new page and new post, with a Group Block having a Paragraph Block inside of it, and aiming to set the Group Block to ‘Wide Width’ as well as testing ‘Full Width’.
I tried this with the Gutenberg plugin activated as well as deactivated on WordPress 6.61 and then updated to WordPress 6.6.2 and the results were the same in all four attempts. The width settings work in all cases.
The reason that it matters if the Blocks were grouped or not is because for the Github issue that you referenced that was part of the specific scenario where the issue was happening. A template that had a post Content Block inside of a Group Block, is being used in a page, and in the Post Editor when that template is applied, the
In your case, you are adding a page or post directly.
The other thing to note is that as Kel mentioned above, the ‘Wide Width’ isn’t actually set in your page. In the code that you shared, if wide width was selected the code would have either of the following in the group code: “align”:”wide” or “align”:”full”.
Instead it has neither of those, as this is what you shared:
<!-- wp:group {"backgroundColor":"light-grey","layout":{"type":"default"}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group has-light-grey-background-color has-background"><!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>I am a paragraph in a wide container.</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph --></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->
You can check several things once more – that you’ve indeed set the Group block to ‘Wide Width’ or ‘Full Width’, and that the setting, “Inner blocks use content width”, is disabled on the Group and Paragraph Blocks.
See here: https://d.pr/i/qR7Mj2
Hope this helps!