• dianabyron


    I’m re-starting my website from scratch after being hacked. Want to put in as much security as I can understand how to do. Instructions from Hardening WordPress say change the prefix (wp_) of databases at installation. But I could not find anywhere that it gives an option to do this!
    Can anyone tell me please?

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  • catacaustic


    You have to do this by editing your wp-config.php file and changing the value in there. You can chagne it when you install, but you need to delete your wp-config.php file and let WordPress generate a new one for you.

    Thread Starter dianabyron


    Thanks Catacaustic, I did do that while waiting for an answer. I deleted my old files, changed the $table_prefix = ‘wp_’: to the name I wanted, saved, uploaded the new WordPress directory files, went over to cpanel and had a look at my databases, and they still all start with wp_ !!!
    Just realized I should probably have totally deleted the database and started that again – what do you think?
    And when you say “let WordPress generate a new one for you” what do you mean exactly? I thought the point of changing values in wp-config.php was to manually upload it?
    (BTW I love your gravatar – cute kitty!)



    Changjng the prefix doesn’t change the existing db tables. You have to delete the tables or rename them manually. If you leave it like that it will install new tables and use them instead.



    Here is plugin for changing database prefix, just fast search on google, so I m sure you will find more plugins there

    Thread Starter dianabyron


    I’d like to try the plugin, but got a new problem: I deleted my MySQL database and database user. Made new ones. I deleted all the wordpress files from cpanel. I got a new copy of WordPress 3.5.1 and configured the new wp-config.php, without altering the database prefix, just left it at wp_. I uploaded the wordpress files. What usually happens is that the upload populates the MySQL database with the wp tables, but this time it did not – there are no tables in the database! I did it twice (boring, time consuming) but still no tables.
    Anyone have any idea what could be wrong?



    If you have no database, you can not have installed site.
    Probably you look to the wrong place.

    If you did new install of WordPress, you upload files, create database and then during installation you just fill right – database name, user and password on screen during installation.

    Btw. change prefix during installation, the easiest way how to do it.

    Thread Starter dianabyron


    Oh flashrebel big kiss!
    I did make the new database OK, but forgot one stupid little thing, as you say. Forgot to install the site. Did that, all OK now. Now I can try the prefix change plugin!

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