How to change color H1 entry-title
Salve amici,
I can’t find the file where I can change the color of the page title.
Precisely in the home page. with G. chrome I see the script but I do not understand where I have to go to insert the color rgb values.
<h1 class=”entry-title loaded” style=”color: rgb(0, 0, 0);”>Benvenuti</h1>I try to insert addictional CSS like this
h1.entry-title a {
color: #ff6600;
}Clear cache, it does not seem to work.
Hi @sealuke,
Where are you adding the CSS? When I try on my own site this does work:
h1.entry-title { color: #bada55; }
Can you send us a link to the page with the issue so we can look as well?
I inserted the script in the add css section of the customization, however I asked where to find the code and it makes no sense that you answer me with the code I posted already I do not even make irony about the color. #5uc8er
The site is under contruction.Hi @sealuke,
I inserted the script in the add css section of the customization, however I asked where to find the code
It sounds like what you are asking is what code is adding the RGB values to the title, is that right?
Storefront uses something called RGBaster to dynamically set a color for the title based on the image that’s behind it. only loads on the homepage, and you can remove it like this:
function marce_dequeue_rgbaster() { wp_dequeue_script( 'storefront-rgbaster' ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'marce_dequeue_rgbaster', 100 );
You will also need to edit some CSS like this to make sure the title and the subtitle show up on the homepage:
.page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-content, .page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title { color: #000; opacity: 1; }
Sorry I didn’t understand the question the first time!
Hi @mikeyarce,
sorry for the misunderstanding, surely I explained myself badly,
I wanted to upload a photo to show better but I see that this forum does not support this possibility.
I try to do as you suggest. I am ignorant, but it seems a difficult job to replace a trivial color to the page title
GrazieLocation file: wp-content/themes/storefront/assets/js/homepage.js
window.RGBaster.colors( img, {
paletteSize: 1,
success: function( payload ) {
var rgb = payload.dominant;
var colors = rgb.match( /^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/ );var r = colors[1];
var g = colors[2];
var b = colors[3];
var brightness = 1;
// Get the average rgb value.
var overall = Math.round( ( ( parseInt( r, 10 ) * 299 ) + ( parseInt( g, 10 ) * 587 ) + ( parseInt( b, 10 ) * 114 ) ) / 1000 );
if ( overall > 230 ) {
brightness = 0; // Black.
} else {
brightness = 30; // White.
}var newr = Math.floor( ( 255 – r ) * brightness );
var newg = Math.floor( ( 255 – g ) * brightness );
var newb = Math.floor( ( 255 – b ) * brightness );
var color = ‘rgb(‘ + newr + ‘, ‘ + newg + ‘, ‘ + newb + ‘)’; = color;
homepageContent.querySelectorAll( ‘h1’ ).forEach( function( h1 ) { = color;
} );
homepageContent.querySelectorAll( ‘.entry-title, .entry-content’ ).forEach( function( el ) {
el.classList.add( ‘loaded’ ); = brightness >= 30 ? ‘0 4px 30px rgba(0,0,0,.9)’ : ”;
} );
} );
} );} )();
I don’t understand where I put a RGB value and if I put in this page. less where I put a code that you give me, if I add it here? if I change it? for other css what’s do you mean? sorry i’m really ignorant, but I want to know… if I change a theme for this thing.
Hi @sealuke,
I don’t understand where I put a RGB value and if I put in this page. less where I put a code that you give me, if I add it here? if I change it? for other css what’s do you mean? sorry i’m really ignorant, but I want to know… if I change a theme for this thing.
So I would suggest not editing this script. This code I gave you just removes the script from loading so that it will not add those RGB values to your titles:
function marce_dequeue_rgbaster() { wp_dequeue_script( 'storefront-rgbaster' ); } add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'marce_dequeue_rgbaster', 100 );
What you can do is add this to your theme’s
file, or use a plugin like to add this there.Hope this helps!
Caro Mikey,
I thank you very much, ti ringrazio davvero di cuore per il tuo aiuto.
Unfortunately, entering the code you gave me both the title and the content of the home page section disappeared, installing the plugin tells me that the page was not found. I give up, I will keep the page title black and if anyone asks me why that black on a blue color I will answer that the creators of the theme do not allow you to change that color.
I’d rather pay than being confronted with this situation, I installed dozens of themes on the sites that I have created, only for this theme this thing happened to me. Certainly StoreFront will not recommend it to anyone.
If I can not set the RGB values ??it makes no sense to keep them, also because using the customization the titles of all the other pages I see the chosen color, this black spot on the home page is a shit.
Do not misunderstand your help was really welcome, ma se questa caratteristica del tema fa pena non è colpa tua.GRAZIE
Hi again,
Unfortunately, entering the code you gave me both the title and the content of the home page section disappeared, installing the plugin tells me that the page was not found. I give up, I will keep the page title black and if anyone asks me why that black on a blue color I will answer that the creators of the theme do not allow you to change that color.
Remember that you also need to declare the colors for the title after removing the RGB script. Here is my example from a previous reply:
.page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-content, .page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title { color: #000; opacity: 1; }
If you do both the first script AND then add this CSS it should work. If it doesn’t work, leave it like that and I’d be happy to take a look! ??
If you want to find another theme, that’s totally fine, too! ??
Ri grazie Mykey
1 thing I understand (Miracle!!!) ?? with the first string is ok,inserting the string
.page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-content, .page-template-template-homepage.has-post-thumbnail .type-page.has-post-thumbnail .entry-title {
color: #000;
opacity: 1;
}in function.php gives me this error
syntax error, unexpected ‘.’, expecting end of file
Le tue modifiche al codice PHP sono state annullate a causa di un errore alla linea 69 del file wp-content/themes/storefront/functions.php. Correggi e prova a salvare nuovamente.
even a goat like me has succeeded!!! Grazie Mykey and sorry for my ignorance.The first string goes in function.php (Menu-Appearance-Editor-functions.php)
The second string with a custom color #123 in Additional CSS (customize your site – Additional CSS)
e FUNZIONA!Google’s inspect element sent me off the road,
because I thought I could change only the rgb values.
starting from zero in my mind it was all very damned more complex.Hi @sealuke,
That’s great news! ??
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