How to change Catalogue Title presented on the first page
Hiya Guys,
Would you kindly help me please?
I initially set up a test of UCP and made a title of ‘Test 1’. I then progressed to the point of having added dozens of products and then went to change ‘Test 1’ to ‘Product Catalogue’.
However, I cannot find where to change ‘Test 1’ anywhere. I have been though every screen multiple time and ecven tried to find it in the database using phpmyadmin.I have also looked through this support forum.
I apologise in advance if it is me being stupid in having missed something. I really am at a loss to know how to change this simple title.
All I know, from the source code is that this is the code around it.
Thank you in advance for any help.
TelB<div class=”fixed-width”><div class=”one-column column cols” id=”le_body_row_2_col_1″><div class=”element-container cf” data-style=”” id=”le_body_row_2_col_1_el_1″><div class=”element”> <div class=”op-custom-html-block”>Test 1<div class=’upcp-Hide-Item’ id=’upcp-shortcode-atts’><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-catalogue-id’>2</div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-catalogue-sidebar’>Yes</div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-starting-layout’></div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-current-layout’></div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-exclude-layouts’>None</div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-current-page’>1</div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-default-search-text’>Name…</div><div class=’shortcode-attr’ id=’upcp-base-url’>/courses/</div></div><div class=’prod-cat-container’><style>div.upcp-thumb-image-div img { height:px; width:px; border: ; border-color:;}
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