Thanks for the feedback. Im currently going through a major update to allow some of the requests people have made, however COVID-19 has put a slight spanner in the works and its likely a little while before I get it finished.
In the meantime please try the following:
Regarding the box sizes, this can be done with some custom css.
/*Change #post-nav-previous-switched to #post-nav-previous for normal use, and also #post-nav-next for the opposite side*/
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-previous-switched {
height: /*change this rule to suit height requirements*/;
border-radius: 35px 0 0 35px; /*this rule adds rounded borders*/
Regarding the words next post / previous post -> This is a requested feature and will be added in the next update as an option.
Changing where the excerpt comes from, the function only takes the wordpress content which is part of the post object received from WordPress. I can add a hook in this version to modify that, but for now you can change the class_wp_post_nav_public file and modify lines 334 – 339.
Comment all those lines out and add the following:
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt($id);
This will still use the built in function, but override the code to simply fetch the default excerpt from wordpress.
Hope that helps.