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  • The background in Kubrick are images. You would need to change or delete the image.

    Thread Starter stchatterbox


    hm……if i delete the image, the most background one [get what i mean?]
    then where to edit the background colour? which code?

    There is a good article on the WordPress Codex, the online manual, that talks about where to find your styles (which include background colors and images) at

    Using those techniques, you can find which background image/color you need to change in which section. Each section on your site can have a different background color or image. In your header, sidebar, footer, all over.

    All of the styles which control the “look” of your site are found within the style.css file that comes with your WordPress Theme. That is where you make the changes.

    Moderator James Huff


    To change the background color in the WordPress Default Theme (Kubrick), you will need to use an image editing program to change the color of the background in kubrickbg.jpg, kubrickbgcolor.jpg, kubrickbgwide.jpg, kubrickfooter.jpg, and kubrickheader.jpg.

    As stated above delete the image then change the background color in the stylesheet. First find this piece of code:

    /* Begin Typography & Colors */
    body {
    font-size: 62.5%; /* Resets 1em to 10px */
    font-family: ‘Lucida Grande’, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif;
    background-color: #d5d6d7;
    color: #333;
    text-align: center;

    Now all you have to do is change ‘#d5d6d7’ into for example ‘#FFFFFF’. This makes the background white. That’s what I use. Just look around for other color codes. If it doesn’t turn white you haven’t properly deleted the images in the header template.

    This is great information, unfortunately, the Kubrick/Default WordPress Theme uses images to create color in its background, a very confusing usage. Your method is perfect for most users, but this image thing….it’s a real bear.

    And the styles to the background images are not just within the style.css, they are also in the header.php in a conditional statement that asks “if this is a single page, use this style of background image, otherwise, use this…”.

    VERY complicated to change unless you know what you are doing.

    I know what I’m doing when it comes to editing CSS and the images (using photoshop) that make up the background for the default style. I’ve made it so that I can *supposedly* edit the template files within WP. However, whenever I change the body background from #d5d6d7 to #000000 or black, nothing happens. I even grab the css file and edit it in Dreamweaver and upload it, but it makes no difference. It’s like its not even looking at that css file for style information, although everything matches up (until i change it).
    So the problem isn’t that I don’t know how to change the look, its that it won’t let me change it, even if I’ve made the changes every way I know how.
    It’s really very frustrating. Is there some other component or area I need to change or unlock to let these updates go through? Thanks in advance.

    Did you change the images in the header.php as well?

    Okay, I deleted the images/kubrickbgcolor.jpg line from the header and everything appears as I want it. I was completely ignoring that image file. Thanks!

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