I was having the problem of centering the shortcode. I’m not sure if it will apply to the widget, but hopefully this will point you in the right direction..
First, it’s important to note that the shortcode constructs an iframe that has a width of 1000px. My site is 1000px wide, so the iframe stretches across the entire site. I’ve not found a way to format (i.e. center) the contents within the iframe, or the width of the iframe using CSS. Every time you refresh the page, the div ID for the iframe changes. So, no matter what you put in the CSS file, it will never match the next instance of the iframe being served.
So, how do you solve this … you wrap it in a table. You shrink the area allotted to the iframe.
< td width=40% | td width=20% (iframe output) | td width=40% >
Here are the steps I followed:
1) FIND /wp-content/plugins/oa-social-login/includes/user_interface.php
2) SEARCH for the following:
$output [] = ‘<div class=”oneall_social_login”>’;
3) REPLACE with the following:
$output [] = ‘<table width=”100%”><tr><td width=”40%”>?</td><td width=”20%”><div class=”oneall_social_login”>’;
4) SEARCH for the following:
$output [] = ‘</div>’;
5) REPLACE with the following:
$output [] = ‘</div></td><td width=”40%”>?</td></tr></table>’;
I hope this works for you, or at least points you in the right direction.